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taehyung focus
"i can't believe we're doing this." taehyung shakes his head as he pulls his jogging bottoms down, revealing red boxers. he blushes like crazy, the colour of his cheeks matching with his boxers.

he could say no to having sex but taehyung wasn't going to lie; he too, was curious about having sex with a male - a male who happened to be a person he was crushing on deeply. he wondered how it'd be like and what the outcome would be; a terrible feel of awkwardness or perhaps the possibility of a relationship??
he doubts the latter.

"uhm, so how does this go?" taehyung questions. he studies jungkook, who calmly sets his backpack on to the floor and rummages inside.

"first, prepping. that's what it says on the internet." jungkook says, fishing out a small tube of clear liquid. taehyung chews on the inside of his cheek, worriedly. oh dear god, please save my asshole from this brat.

jungkook focus
"on the bed. get onto all fours." jungkook instructs giddily. unlike taehyung, he wasn't focusing on the aftertaste but instead decided to focus on the actual sex and what was happening now.

and what was happening right now, was kim taehyung propping himself up on all fours with his boxer clad butt in the air. perfect thighs and butt on display for jungkook eyes.

alright kook, let's do this.

he picks up the small bottle of lube that he had ordered carefully and secretly online, and opened the lid with a loud click. taehyung looks up at the sound and frowns at the clear liquid.

"just lube. it's not gonna eat you," jungkook laughs, "the liquid's just gone help ease-"

"okay okay, just go ahead and do whatever." taehyung says, ducking his head to hide his flushed cheeks.
jungkook excessively lathers a ton of clear substance onto his fingers, the shiny liquid coating the fingers of his right hand.

"alright! before we start, i just want you to know that i am most certainly not gay, this is just curiosity blah blah. also if im hurting you or you just don't like it, then tell me."

"wait, it's gonna hurt?" taehyung ignores jungkook's previous comment.

"google said is would cause 'discomfort' if not lubed properly. oh, let's get this off now." jungkook beams happily, completely unaware that taehyung was going into full panic mode.
using the hand that wasn't covered in lube, he hooks a finger over taehyung's waistband and tugs it down to reveal pale skin.

"lift your knees." jungkook tells him, pulling at the pooling material around his knees. taehyung complies, legs shaking as he lets jungkook whip off his boxers completely.

taehyung focus
holy crap, this is so godamn awkward. im fully exposed right now!! im going to die of embarrassment. im going to die of embarassment. im going to die of embarrassment-

taehyung's shocked from his thoughts when jungkook leans closer towards his ass and touches his skin with a drifting finger. taehyung shudders at how cold jungkook's fingers were.

jungkook licks his lips as he prods taehyung's hole with his index finger.

"woah woah, what the hell do you think you're doing?" taehyung queries, alarmed and looks over his shoulder to see jungkook staring at his butt, mesmerised.

"prepping," jungkook replies, smiling at taehyung. "we gotta prepare you for jungkook junior."

"oh my god." he scrunches up his nose in mild disgust. taehyung turns his face back, pressing his face against the pillow.

"and how do you prep?" taehyung asks, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"like this." jungkook murmurs, slowly easing a finger into taehyung. taehyung squeals and tenses up, making it hard to 'prep' him.

"relax." jungkook tells him, kneading his skin in hope that he'd loosen up soon - it was what google had recommended.
as you can tell, jungkook clearly did a lot of research.

taehyung groans quietly and jungkook takes that as a chance to try again. this time, he manages to ease his finger in, pushing right to the hilt.

"how does it feel? does it feel good?"

"no, it feels like shit." taehyung replies dryly. jungkook laughs at his word choice.

"alright, let's add another finger in." jungkook adds a second digit, caressing taehyung's ass for him to relax.
jungkook starts to touch taehyung; randomly rubbing the skin and spreading his two fingers apart inside, scissoring him.

jungkook frowns, he read online that his partner would like it but so far all taehyung did was grunt and groan occasionally.
jungkook retracts his digits and pushes them back in, thrusting his fingers slowly. he sees taehyung lifting his head a centimetre upwards - he thrusts again into taehyung's tight hole.

taehyung moans almost inaudibly  causing jungkook to smirk a little. he quickens his pace, finding taehyung's small moans and pants as encouragement.

"j-jungkook." taehyung moans, a bulge starting to grow in jungkook's pants.
fuck, his moans are heavenly.

"hmm?" jungkook hums.
he looks up from taehyung's ass to meet taehyung's glazed eyes. something catches in jungkook's throat when he sees taehyung's shiny eyes and hears the moans escaping from his agape pink mouth.

"feels weird." taehyung utters, eyes wet.

jungkook's forehead creases, "want me to stop? if you really really don't like we can just prep? or stop completely?"

taehyung focus
taehyung thinks for a second.

do i want him to stop?

it feels fucking weird but who knows it might get better? so should i carry on?

might as well, 'you only live once' and all that stupid shit.

"n-no. carry on."

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