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taehyung focus
half an hour later, taehyung and jungkook were in their usual night positions; jungkook spooning taehyung and holding him a little closer than usual. just knowing that someone enveloped him, that someone watched over him, made him feel protected.

neither of them slept though.
taehyung was too shaken and jungkook was finding it hard to not blurt out questions about taehyung's state.

"jungkook." taehyung whispers.


"im sorry for dragging you out of your party."

"nah it's okay - family gatherings always suck."

"your parents are okay with you being here? you've been sleeping at mine every day for one week now." taehyung murmurs.

"my dad's away working for the company and my mom's too far up his ass to notice if im not around the house." jungkook says, his words laced with mild bitterness. silence settles between the two.

"nice dress shirt you have on by the way." taehyung smiles in the dark, hoping that his attempt to break the silence wouldn't come out as random as he thinks it was.
he hears jungkook chuckle against his neck and taehyung squirms internally, thinking about how nice his laugh was.

"it's kinda uncomfortable though." jungkook mutters, shifting a little. "mind if i slept with no shirt?

taehyung minds a lot.

"no." taehyung squeaks, the boy suddenly feeling hot.

"alright then." jungkook lifts up from the bed and unbuttons his shirt, flinging the white fabric somewhere in the room.

oh my god, why am i heating up. stop heating up, taehyung. taehyung scolds himself mentally.

jungkook leans back down and taehyung feels his heartbeat quicken again.

"hmm. actually these pants are kinda uncomfortable too. mind if take them off?" jungkook questions, jokingly. well, taehyung hopes it was jokingly.

oh my god nO. keep your damn pants on.

taehyung's eyes widen at the sound of a zipper and he flips around to face jungkook, who's ready to shed his trousers.

"STOP." taehyung whisper yells, throwing a cushion at jungkook's grinning face.

"don't you dare undress." taehyung hisses. jungkook studies taehyung, a small smile on his lips.

"aaaand you're back to you being you that you are." jungkook smiles.

taehyung stops glaring at him and looks away from jungkook. his throat tightening as he remembers jungkook finding him, remembering the shocked expression on the younger's face. remembering the feeling of jungkook's lips and the warmth he provided when he hugged him.

jungkook, unaware of the racing thoughts in taehyung's mind, slides back into bed with his pants on.

"you okay?" jungkook asks the now silent taehyung. the latter nods.
"come here." jungkook whispers, his arm snaking over taehyung's side and pulls him close to jungkook's bare chest.

it takes two minutes for taehyung to realise that his face was millimetres away from jungkook's bare chest.
a part of him wants to yell at jungkook for pulling him too close but a bigger part of him resists. it was nice sleeping face to face with jungkook for once. he could smell the faint cologne and sweat but he didn't care, to taehyung the smells comforted him-
oh god, im so fucking weird.

he looks up to see jungkook watching him with his curious eyes.

"good night." jungkook breathes.

thanks for not asking about my problem, taehyung mentally thanks.
he looks away and brings his arms between him and jungkook, his finger accidentally brushing against warm skin. he flushes at the skin contact, not meeting jungkook's watchful eyes.

"g'night." taehyung replies and closes his eyes. he wonders if jungkook was still watching him.
taehyung's mind wanders, thoughts about jungkook filling his head. he thinks about jungkook's soft kiss on his head. he thinks about how jungkook watches over him as he sleeps and how warm his skin is.

right then and there, pressed against jungkook's chest and breathing erratically, taehyung realises something.

that he's starting to fall for jeon jungkook, the guy he found, jacking off in the school washroom.

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