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taehyung focus
taehyung stares at the wall in front of him whilst jungkook sleeps besides him, snoring quietly. he slept quick, leaving taehyung to lie awake at one am alone.

taehyung contemplates if this method of sleeping alongside someone worked with jungkook, because taehyung still hadn't fallen asleep even after an hour later. it had worked well his previous sleeping partner but that was because they were super close. jungkook and taehyung weren't dating - they weren't even friends, until today taehyung didn't even realise there was a jeon jungkook in his class.

jungkook shifts closer to taehyung, his arm circling more around taehyung's side causing the latter to blush like crazy at the weight of jungkook's biceps on him.

he closes his eyes for the hundredth time, wishing for sleep and hoping that jungkook wouldn't inch any closer to his butt.
he listens to jungkook's breathing and times his breaths to jungkook's. taehyung wanted to slap himself for being so weird for wanting to match jungkook's breathing, but soon enough his breathing slowed and, like jungkook, was soon fast asleep.


the familiar beep of his alarm clock rang out into the quiet room, stirring taehyung from his sleep. he slams his palm against the clock in order for it to shut up and stares sleepily at the ceiling.

im still sleepy, taehyung starts to yawns but mid way stops, did i fall asleep? holy shit.

taehyung sits up straight in his bed, the boy reminding himself of last night. he remembers sleeping with the porn magazine boy - jungkook - and closing his eyes.

jungkook. where's jungkook? he looks around the room and floor in case taehyung had accidentally kicked the younger to the floor during the night.

there was no sign of jungkook anywhere, taehyung checked the bathroom and kitchen in case he was there eating or brushing his teeth but he wasn't there. and neither was his backpack that he brought over last night.

he probably left early.
but wow i got some sleep, taehyung smiled to himself as he fixed a bowl of coco pops for him to eat.

jungkook focus
jungkook didn't bother looking through the porn magazines he had hidden in his textbook today. not now that he knew taehyung had saw him flipping through the magazines and the bulge in his pants. he had no intention of looking at them during classes with taehyung.

he sits back in his chair, looking out of the window and ignores the teacher's lectures.

his mind flits back to last night. jungkook wants to question if taehyung had a good night's sleep, he wanted to ask why he couldn't sleep at night without someone there. he wanted to know if taehyung blushed like he did last night.

he didn't though - that'd be weird. instead he left early without saying anything to the sleeping taehyung.

he brought his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes, he woke an hour early to leave and return to his own home to get ready for school. he much rather sleep an hour more in his own bed, the new sleeping arrangements with taehyung lost him an hour and a half of valuable sleep.

"class dismissed, hand in your homework on your way out." the teacher yells over the sound of chairs scraping and the zipping of bags.

"jungkook? hey." it was taehyung.

"just came to say thanks for last night, i slept really well." taehyung grins. jungkook smiles back (it was hard not to).
"same plan for tonight right?"

jungkook packs up his books, nodding.

"hey, im wondering when do i stop doing the sleeping arrangements?" jungkook bows his head whilst packing his pencil case away. he doesn't see taehyung's smile dropping a little.

"u–uh, let's see, i need to sleep to concentrate for my exams. so probably until exam week and graduation maybe? so not too long, right? ha." taehyung chuckles awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"no, it's ok. well i gotta go. see you tonight." jungkook smiles before walking past taehyung and out of the door.

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