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taehyung focus
taehyung opens the front door when the doorbell rings, his stomach a pit of nerves about how the evening will go.
he opens the door.

jungkook's dressed in clean jeans and a long sleeved shirt that fits him perfectly.
taehyung's heart skips a beat at the sight of the male standing on his doorstep. god, he looks so boyfriend.

"is jungkook here?" miss kim calls out from the kitchen, her head poking out from the corner.

"yes mom." taehyung says, staring at the younger's attire and the flowers in his right hand.

"hey." jungkook smiles nervously.

taehyung's shocked beyond words - for once, jungkook isn't in his usual sloppy hoodies and he has freaking flowers with him.

"for you, miss kim." he hands over a small bouquet of white roses to his mom, who beams up at him.
jungkook's clearly on mom's good side now, taehyung thought as his mom 'oohs' and 'aahs' over the bouquet.

"they're beautiful, ill put these in a vase later. come on, come in and sit at the table! we're eating takeaway, im afraid. since someone decided to burn my lasagna." miss kim says sharply, looking over at taehyung.
earlier, taehyung had worried that the lasagna wouldn't cook quick enough at the temperature his mom set, and decided to crank up the heat setting, burning his mom's poor lasagna.

"that's okay." jungkook smiles, full of charm and taehyung wonders whether this was the real jungkook standing before him.

"sit, sit. here." miss kim hands a polystyrene box of takeaway in front of him. taehyung sits down besides him, miss kim sitting opposite them.

"sorry again for the lack of meal." an embarrassed miss kim apologises, jungkook saying 'it's fine' again and again. taehyung opens his own polystyrene box and sniffs at the burger and chips, gloriously laid out in front of him. he grins before digging in, grabbing at his burger with two hands.

"so jungkook, what college are you going to?"

"busan business and computing college."

"ah, busan? that's really far. do you guys plan on having a long distance relationship?" miss kim asks, her elbows resting on the table top and her hands pressed together in a praying action. she rests her chin on top of her pointed fingertips and smiles.

"well, we hope it works out long distance. we'll skype each other and call frequently." jungkook assures, reaching over to hold taehyung's hand. taehyung chokes on his burger when he feels jungkook sliding his fingers into his hand. he looks through the corner of his eye at jungkook, who awkwardly blushes pink at the action.

"you okay there, son?" miss kim hands a bottle of water.

taehyung nods, downing the water and clearing his throat. "yeah, uh, just got a little upset about having a long distance relationship." taehyung says fake sadly, patting jungkook's hand which still held on to taehyung's other hand.

"aw." miss kim says, "let's change the subject, shall we? what test do you have coming up?" she asks.

"the one coming up is maths, im planning on getting high on that test." jungkook smirks a little at taehyung, his previous awkwardness dissipating. taehyung rolls his eyes.

"hmm?" miss kim replies, chewing on a chip.

"yeah, got a tutor-"

"you got a tutor? that's cheating!" taehyung gasps.

"taehyung? it's just a tutor. how's it cheating?" miss kim frowns, confused.
"would you like one?"

"because of the bet! i mean.. ah. never mind. jungkook, tell mom how good you are at sports!" taehyung babbles, flustered. he doesn't actually know if jungkook is good at sports but whatever, taehyung thinks.

"oh i do a little running, now and then." jungkook laughs, nudging taehyung's foot under the table.

"so how did you two meet? taehyung never tells me these things!" miss kim inquires with piqued interest.

"well. we met in school in maths class. and became close from there on." jungkook coughs.

well, he isn't lying completely.
except he left the fact that i caught him looking at porn and jacking off in the male toilets. taehyung coughs.

the next thirty minute goes by in a rush of taehyung's mom interrogating jungkook, who politely answers. taehyung remains quiet throughout the whole dinner, chewing on his chips whilst thinking about jungkook.

"thanks for the meal, miss kim."

"oh, you're so polite! you're welcome, son!"

"i have to get back home and study for my maths test - thanks again for tonight!" miss kim smiles, before saying "you're welcome".

jungkook shuffles out of his seat and edges over to where taehyung is currently wolfing down chips. he leans down and taehyung freezes midway eating his chips.

jungkook presses his lips against taehyung's cheek, causing his skin to glow red.

"bye taehyung." he murmurs, taehyung ducks his head as his stomach whirls around crazily. he can see his mom turning around and cooing at the two, giggling at the quick display of affection.

"bye miss!" jungkook says louder and lets miss kim walk him out, taehyung stays at the dinner table and recovers from the kiss.

he hears the door close and his mom's slippers slap against the carpet.

"wow, jungkook is so polite and smart. last time, he was a little gruff but now, he's very nice. taehyung, you should take a leaf out of his book." miss kim says, stacking takeaway boxes on top of each other and placing them near the bin.

"taehyung?" she queries when taehyung doesn't say anything. she looks over to see taehyung lying face down on the table, his face unnaturally red.

"taehyung?? you okay?"

"yeah, mom. just that my chest feels a lil weird." he smiles, biting on his lower lip as he cradles his warm face with his hands.

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