The Hands On The Clocked Ticked Slowly But Surely

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"MAYA!" Lucas shouted running after Maya.

"What?! Can we please just not talk about it? It's not a big deal..." Maya stormed off. Lucas went into the history classroom and sat in his seat. The hands on the clocked ticked slowly but surely. 3:01, 3:01:02, 3:01:03, 3:01:04...--

"Mr. Friar?" Mr. Matthews passed by on his way out.

"Sorry Sir. I can leav-"

"No, it's fine. Something is obviously bothering you." Lucas' eyes blinked really fast to try and snap out of what happened but it kept replaying in his mind over and over again.

"What do you believe in, Sir?" Lucas hands were folding together and he was twiddling his thumbs. 

"I believe that the world will keep spinning. I believe that the sun will shine during the day. I believe that something is going on with you and you're projecting something on to me." Mr. Matthews was always good at doing that. He had truly mastered the world's obstacles that were thrown his way; most of the time anyway.

"I believe that girls are confusing... I just- they say the opposite of what they mean. I don't understand it. I never have and I don't think I ever will!" Lucas unloaded his thoughts. 

"Riley does tend to not want to burden anyone with her own feelings."


"Riley... We're talking about Riley, correct?"

"Oh, yeah... Sorry my mind's somewhere else, Sir." Lucas smiled and said while lying.

"Alright, well, in my opinion, girls will always be confusing and that's okay. Just find the girl you love and don't be afraid to tell her that..." Mr. Matthews turned around and began to walk away. "Don't forget to shut the door on your way out." 

[Maya's House]

Maya was sitting on the couch sketching something for art class when she heard a knock at the door. She stood up and walked towards the door, she peeked through the peephole and saw Lucas standing outside in the hall. "Go away ranger Rick!"

"Maya, we need to talk!" Lucas' voice was muffled from being behind the door.

"It doesn't matter! Ok? You don't even know what you saw..." Maya rebutted.

"Maya! I know that I saw-" Maya opened the door and covered his mouth with her hand.

"FINE!" She shouted while whispering.  "Just get in here and shut up! Okay?" Lucas nodded his head since Maya's hand was still over his mouth. Lucas and Maya walked in and Maya closed the door behind her. They sat on her couch in silence until Maya broke it. "So what exactly do you think you saw...?"

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