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[School – AP Chemistry]

Farkle sat down in his normal spot next to Smackle. She didn't acknowledge he was there, she focused on the equations on the board. Farkle rolled his eyes and his attention turned to the door creaking open. Leo was with the guidance counsellor as they spoke to the teacher. Farkle and Leo's eyes made contact and Farkle quickly turned away. His cheeks were a shade of pink no one had ever thought existed. "Mr. Minkus?" the science teacher called from her desk. Farkle composed himself and walked up to the teacher's desk. "You're the student without a lab partner, correct?" Farkle nodded. "Well you have one now!" 

"Shit" Farkle thought to himself. "I thought you were in regular chemistry..." Farkle stated.

"I was but it's too easy for me so they moved me here." Leo explained. "I'm Leo, you're Farkle right? Lucas' friend?" Farkle nodded. "Cool. I'm pumped to be partners." Leo smiled and walked to their spot. Farkle's eyes widened as he tried to stop himself from freaking out. 

"Ms?" The teacher looked at Farkle waiting for his question. "Can I have the hall pass? I have to go to the restroom." The teacher smiled and handed Farkle the hall pass. Farkle grabbed it and ran out the door. He took his phone and texted Maya '911' and to meet him in the staircase. 


Maya ran up to Farkle out of breath. "WHAT'S WRONG?" Maya sounded as if she was dying. "I GOT YOUR 911"

"Leo got transferred into my AP chemistry class and he's my new lab partner!" Maya gave a look of confusion and annoyance. 

"SERIOUSLY?! THAT'S YOUR BIG 911!?" Farkle nodded. "Okay..." Maya said while taking a huge breath to calm herself. She sat Farkle and herself down on the staircase. "This is a good thing dork! This way you can get to know each other. Studying together... Labs together... Everyday together!! You get it?!" Farkle nodded. "Good! You feel better?" Farkle shook his head. "JESUS! Farkle... This is a good thing! Great even! Ok...?"


"Good. Now I have to get back to class. Or I could just skip the rest of the period..." 

"I'll walk you..." Farkle said implying that skipping class wasn't an option. Maya smiled and agreed. They walked up the stairs together for a few seconds before they came face to face with 2 people walking down the stairs.

"Maya..." he said.

"Lucas..." Maya replied.

"Farkle..." he said.

"Leo..." Farkle replied.

"Soooo..." They all said in unison.

[4 minutes earlier – Lucas and Leo's Conversation]

"Hey man, I got your message what's up?" Lucas said.

"Farkle's my lab partner..." Leo said frightened.

"Oh shit!" Lucas chuckled.

"It's not funny!"

"It's pretty funny..." Leo shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Look he and his girlfriend are in a fight right now, so you can make your move."

"I don't even think she'll go for me. Besides I think he knows I like her. He gave me this weird look when he found out we were science partners."

"I'm sure it's fine." Lucas and Leo walked down the stairs and came face to face with Farkle and Maya.

"Maya..." Lucas said.

"Lucas..." she replied.

"Farkle..." Leo said.

"Leo..." he replied.

"Soooo..." They all said in unison. It was dead silence after that. They were swaying in place and biting their tongues.

"OKAY! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Maya shouted after 3 minutes of uncomfortable silence. "Lucas, you and I need to talk and Leo, you and Farkle need to talk..." Maya grabbed Lucas by the wrist and dragged him down the stairs, leaving Leo and Farkle alone.

"I'm guessing you know then." Leo said. Farkle didn't say or do anything. "I didn't mean to fall for her-"


"Smackle... I didn't mean to it just kind of happened. We're partners in Home Ec and-" The sound of Leo's voice faded away. Farkle could feel his heart breaking. He felt his eyes tear up and walked away. "Farkle?" He didn't even flinch, he just kept moving.

[ 2 minutes earlier – Lucas and Maya's Conversation]

Maya dragged Lucas down the stairs. "MAYA LET GO!" Maya ignored Lucas and continued to drag him down. "MAYA!"

"NO! I'M DONE WITH THIS AVOIDING SHIT! I'm sorry! And not 'I got caught doing something I shouldn't have done' sorry, I'm really, really sorry! I'm sorry that I hurt you, I'm sorry you had to see that! Huckleberry, I am so ridiculously sorry."

"Would you take it back?" Lucas asked hesitantly. Maya shook her head. Lucas huffed, "Unbelievable!" Lucas tried to walk away but jumped up with her legs wrapped around his back as she kissed him heavily. 

She broke away from the kiss, "I don't do anything I regret...I kissed Josh and was it a dumb move? Sure! Do I regret it? I will never regret it, because without these things happening in between, my life would be boring and I wouldn't have amazing stories to tell. These things that happen will give me the best memories that I will get to look back on when I can't do anything for myself anymore. The fact that I can say I've been in love twice before I turned 18, is amazing. Do I know who I'll end up with? Of course not but I know that it doesn't matter because if you and Josh are the options, then I am the luckiest girl in the world." She smashed her lips into his and let the passion roam for itself. She jumped down from him and walked away.

"Maya!" Lucas called out to her. She turned back to look at him as he walked closer to her. He placed both of his hands on her cheeks and pulled her into a passionate yet soft kiss. The relapse made Maya weak in the knees; and as he pulled away, "I'm still incredibly mad at you, but I love you!" Maya smiled. "Hey, why did Farkle and Leo need to talk? Does Farkle know how Leo feels?"

"Leo likes Farkle too?!" Maya exclaimed.

"What?" Lucas asked confused.

"What?" Maya replied asking.

"Leo likes Smackle... What do you mean too?" 


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