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[Lucas' Apartment – Parker's Room]

Lucas opened the door to the nursery while Maya carried Parker through the threshold. "Welcome home Parker..." Maya smiled with Parker asleep in her arms. She set him down in his crib that Lucas' dad helped build. "You're going to love it here!" Maya had her hands on the edge of the crib as she watched Parker sleep. She could the sound of Lucas walking around behind her, pacing. "Would you stop pacing and come look at your kid?" Maya asked in a way that was not really asking. 

"I need Riley..." Lucas said under his breath.

"Riley?" Maya asked in a offended tone. "I, umm, I need some air." Maya walked speedily out of Lucas' apartment. She sat on the steps outside, breathing and trying to remind herself that Lucas isn't still in love with Riley but that she was and is the mother his child. She teared up slightly and buried her head in her arms in the fetal position. 

"Hey Maya, you okay?" Maya took her head out from her arms and saw someone she was relieved to see, standing right in front of her.

"Not really, no..." Maya answered shaking her head.

"Is there anything I can do?" Maya smiled at him.

"You can sit with me..." He smiled and sat next to her.

"Is Parker upstairs with Lucas?" Maya nodded her head. "And you're out here and upset, why...?"

[Lucas' Apartment – Parker's Nursery]

Lucas rubbed Parker's forehead with his thumb as he slept on his back in his crib. Lucas gazed at his son sleeping. Looking more and more like Riley by the minute in Lucas' eyes. He was completely stuck in the thought of his son but at the back of his mind was still the thought of Maya leaving distraught. "Never grow up Parker, it's confusing!"

[Outside Staircase]

"Maya, what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"I don't want to talk about it! I know I sound like such a self-centred jerk!"


"Even beyond the grave, she's all everyone can think about! We brought Parker home from the hospital and the first thing he says is that he needs Riley. I know it sounds petty, but am I not enough for him?" Maya had tears running down her cheeks, leaving streak marks.

"Maya..." he said concerned.

"I know, I know. I don't need a stupid lecture about how melodramatic I sound or how bitchy I sound or that I'm complaining too much. Just- please Zay, please, make me smile." Maya whined. Zay pulled Maya into a hug. She rested her chin on Zay's shoulder while he rubbed her back. Maya felt her cheeks stretch into a smile. "T-thank-you!" she whispered.

"My pleasure" Zay said smiling. Zay pulled away slightly but continued to let Maya rest her head on his shoulder while his arm was wrapped around her. 

"Maya...?" Zay and Maya turned around to see Lucas on standing behind them.

"Hey Huckleberry..."

"Where's Parker?" Zay asked.

"He's upstairs. My mom wanted to spend some time with him."

"Speaking of which, I'll go say hi to the little man while I give you two some time." Zay left them to go see Parker and Lucas took his place.

"What's up?" Lucas asked.

Maya sniffled, "You need Riley?"

"Maya, I-"

"Don't! Please don't make me feel worse than I already do..."

"How do you think I feel? When you're not seeing me, you're seeing Josh and apparently Zay too!" Lucas snapped.

"You don't get to do that! And you know there's nothing going on between Zay and I!"

"Do I? Even if there isn't? I know you love Josh... and it freaking hurts! And I'm just supposed to sit around and watch this happen? I'm supposed to be okay with this? Happy for you?"

"Lucas, you don't get to do th-"

"NO! You don't get to do what you're doing! Riley is the mother of Parker and I don't think I can raise him without her! He needs his mom! You're seeing Josh while you're seeing me! So I'm done. You either make your decision now or I'll make it for you!"


"Maya, I can't keep doing this! So make your decision..."

"You can't expect me to choose right now-"

"Yeah, I can actually. I've waited long enough!" Maya sat there in silence not knowing what to say. "Screw this!" Lucas stood up.


"I told you that if you couldn't decide that I'd make the decision for you... So Josh gets you! Congratulations!" Lucas stormed back upstairs and Maya began to sob. 

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