You're Unbelievable...

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Riley was laying asleep in her room while her parents, Maya, Auggie, and Lucas waited outside the room listening to the doctor about what was happening. "It was a preterm labour but we were able to stop it."

"What caused it?" Maya asked concerned.

"An abnormality of the cervix. We will be able to fix it. We're scheduling her for a surgery tomorrow with our top OB/GYN. It's routine, your daughter and her son will be fine." The doctor said reassuring Cory and Topanga. "I can take you and your son to see her right now, her friends can see her later." Maya and Lucas nodded and watched as Cory, Topanga, and Auggie walked in to Riley's room.

"Thank GOD! I was so scared." Maya muttered. "She's a fighter!" Maya said smiling. 

"So is Parker." Lucas said with his half-smirk.

"Parker? You're naming him Parker?" Lucas nodded with his smirk. "I love it!" She said smiling and looking into Lucas' eyes. "I love y- the name Parker. It's, uhhh, a good one!" Maya stuttered as she distanced herself from Lucas. "I'm gonna go get some coffee from the cafe." Maya walked towards the cafe and used every fibre of her being to not look back at Lucas.


Maya grabbed her coffee and was walking back towards Riley's room when she ran into someone and split her coffee. "HEY!"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" The boy said. "Let me buy you a new o- Maya?" Maya looked up from the floor and saw a boy she couldn't help but smile when she looked at him.

"Oh my- Aaron?! Hi! I haven't seen you since-"

"Since you ran away?"

"In my defence, I was eight and I wanted to find my father..."

"That's a pretty good reason." He said smiling, "You grew up beautiful." Maya blushed subtly. They continued to talk and catch up. Soon after Lucas was walking to see Maya and saw her talking to Aaron. She giggled and brushed his arm. Lucas was pissed, he walked up and gave her a piece of his mind.

"So when you say you can't make up your mind between Josh and I, you really mean that you're going to move on to the first guy you meet in the hospital when you're best friend is in pain?!" Maya was taken back and angry but she bit her tongue.

"Lucas this is Aaron, he's a friend from when I was little. Another fun fact about Aaron is-"


"Lucas, he's gay..." Maya explained.


"Likes dudes... Has a boyfriend... etc... etc." 

"Oh." Lucas felt embarrassed.

"Don't sweat it dude," Aaron said trying to reassure, "I'd be pretty jealous if I saw the person I like talking to some guy I didn't even know."

Maya clenched her jaw and turned towards Aaron "It was great seeing you again Aaron, call me so we can catch up," She turned towards Lucas, "You're unbelievable..." Maya muttered breathily and angrily. Maya stormed off.

"Maya! WAIT!" Lucas chased after her.

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