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"So where does this leave us?" He asked. 

Maya walked over and sat down beside him, "Well, we could get into this relationship and pretend that these things don't matter-"

"Or?" Lucas asked.

"Or we could take a break... Let things run their course outside of us and if we still have a connection and want it to be there, we go with it." Maya replied. Lucas became a little teary. "Hey?" Maya turned his head to face her, "You're going to be an amazing father." She smiled.

He chuckled, "And Josh is the luckiest guy in the universe..." He smiled. Maya rested her head on his chest and they laid back and held each other. 

"I hate this!" Maya whimpered. 

Lucas kissed her forehead. "Me too, but I think this is happening for a reason. It's just not our time right now, but that doesn't mean we won't end up together..." Maya smiled and held Lucas tighter. 


[A/N] Sorry for the short chapter but I'm planning to flash forward a couple months and it didn't seem natural to have in the same chapter.

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