On Second Thought

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[Maya's Apartment]

"So...?" He asked Maya, waiting for her to answer.

"Why do you care Zay?" Maya scoffed. "It doesn't really matter anyway... I'm going to go ahead and guess Lucas talked to you..." Zay nodded his head. Maya sighed, "Do you remember in English class when we were to talking about To Kill A Mockingbird?"

"Yeah, I didn't read the book though." Maya chuckled.

"I know but I did and something I noticed about it was that hypocrisy is a parent's prerogative."

"Don't use big words the right way, it's not like you..."

"That's what everyone keeps telling me... That I haven't been myself lately, that just because I get one 'A' in Spanish and I had feelings for Lucas and a different style of clothes and hair, that suddenly I was Riley and I went along with it. But who wouldn't?!" Zay was a little lost. "Everyone was telling that the new me was not who was supposed to be; that I was meant to be a rule breaker and a volcano... It hurts. And that's why I- do what I do..." Zay face brightened with realization when Maya's semi-rant came full circle.

"I like you anyway you are." Zay said smiling. "You were never Riley, you were better! Because you were being yourself just like Riley being herself is better than Riley being you..." Maya chuckled.

"When did you get so smart...?" Maya poked Zay's nose playfully at the word 'you'. "I guess you always have been though; you and I, we're something special, huh Zay?" Maya asked resting her head on his shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around her and rested his head on hers, "To say the least... yeah."

[Farkle's Apartment]

*KNOCK*KNOCK*KNOCK* Someone banged on the door with so much force that it sounded like a jack hammer in the construction zones. Farkle walked over and opened the door to see Lucas standing there in distress. "Hey freak..." Farkle said laughing.

"I need to talk to you!"

"Are you okay?"

"It's not me it- it's not important who it is just I need you to answer a question." Farkle nodded signalling Lucas to ask his question. "Why would someone feel the need to hurt themselves on purpose?"

Farkle's eyes widened, "Lucas roll up your sleeves." He instructed.

"Farkle, it's not me!" Lucas scoffed.

"Self harm doesn't just happen with females. Many males resort to self harm. I just want to make sure." Farkle explained concerned. "So if it isn't you... Who is it?"

"I can't say..."

"Lucas... You can't do that. This person needs help. You can't keep that a secret." Farkle tried guilting Lucas.

"Farkle please? I'm going to help her I ju-" 

"Her?" Farkle asked.

"Dammit." Lucas mumbled. "That's all you're getting..."

"Riley or Maya?" Farkle asked.

"I can't tell you..."

"Riley?" Lucas' face didn't move, his face was vacant. "Maya?" Lucas swallowed. "Maya."

"I didn't say that..."

"You didn't have to..."


"People self harm to cope with feeling numb, or intense pain, distress or unbearable negative feelings, thoughts or memories. They're trying to change how they feel by replacing their emotional pain with physical pain. Some say it's a way for them to feel something other than nothing, or intense depression." Lucas sighed. Why did Maya feel like that?

"Thanks Farkle. You can't tell anyone by the way..."

"Lucas, we need to ta-"

"NO! Farkle promise me!"

"Fine, I promise but I'm giving you a time limit to that." Lucas nodded his head in agreement and left to see Maya.

[Maya's Apartment]

Zay and Maya were sleep on the couch, still in each other's arms when *KNOCK*KNOCK* Zay groaned and scrunched his nose at the sound of the banging. He hated being woken up. Maya was still sound asleep. He carefully pulled himself away and slowly and quietly answered the door. "Oh hey Lucas." Zay whispered.

"What are you doing here? And why are we whispering?" Lucas asked.

"Maya's asleep." Zay put his index finger over his mouth, hinting Lucas to be quiet and carefully closed the door behind him to try and muffle their conversation from Maya. "So what's up?"

"Ummm, it can wait... So what are you doing here?"

"Me and Maya-"

"On second thought, I don't really want to know." Lucas ran out. Zay was really confused but just shrugged it off and went back to Maya who was peacefully asleep on the couch.

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