And Right-Side Up Too

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[3 Months Later]

Lucas and Riley were waiting in the waiting room for the Ultra-sound to find out what the sex of the baby would be. Riley was about 5 1/2 months along and Josh and Maya started dating 2 months ago.

[Josh's Dorm]

Maya was hanging upside down on Josh's bed watching him work on a report. "You look cute upside down." Josh said. Maya sat up and chuckled. "And right-side up too..." He walked over and jumped next to her. Her leaned in with his right hand on her cheek, the kiss: passionate and intense, meaningful and loving. 

"Okay, okay, enough! You've got a paper to finish!" Maya was a good influence on Josh, and vice-versa. Josh grunted in displeasure. "Sorry, don't want my honey to fail out of college..." She gave him a quick peck on the lips and sent him back to his desk to finish his paper. "What's your paper on anyway?" She asked she she laid back upside down again. 

"I basically have to make a historical narrative on the revolutionary war of our independence from Great Britain." He replied.

"So... like Hamilton?" Maya asked.

"Sort of, except I create characters and little things in between while the war kind of happens in the background." For the rest of the time while Josh was working on his paper, Maya hummed songs from Hamilton.


Lucas and Riley were waiting in the waiting room for the Ultra-sound to find out what the sex of the baby would be. Lucas' leg kept fidgeting and bouncing with nerves. Riley slapped her hand on his knee to stop it from shaking. "You look like you're about to explode!"

"I can't help it. I'm about to find out what we're having! A daughter or son..."

"Does it matter? I'll love it the same either way."

"I will too, it's just- I don't know... I'm just a little nervous that's all" Lucas defended.

Riley smiled empathetically, "I know." She held his hand.

"Riley Matthews?" The technician said from the door. She guided Lucas and Riley towards the room. It was a different woman than the first, this one was nicer, kinder, less judgemental. She explained what would happen quickly and put the gel on Riley's bump. It was colder than usual. "You're baby looks healthy and it looks like everything is normal. Would you like a copy on DVD?" Riley smiled and nodded. "Okay, well I'll get that out front. Would you like to know the sex?" Lucas and Riley looked at each other and smiled, they turned back to the woman and nodded. "Okay."


Of Course I Like YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora