Enough Emotion For One Day

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[Lucas' Apartment]

Lucas and Maya were laying on the couch talking. Lucas had his fingers locked around hand while she laid on top of him with the back of her head resting on his chest. He drew random shapes on the back of her hand with his thumb. "Thank you," Maya muttered.

"For what?" Lucas asked happily confused with a chuckle.

"Nothing. Everything. I don't really know. I don't think I'd be alive right now if it wasn't for you." Maya said smiling. Lucas grinned. "Anyway... it's been a long day." Maya giggled awkwardly, changing the subject.

"Yup, Riley's funeral, you seeing Parker, I think that's enough emotion for one day." Lucas said agreeing. 

"Not quite..." Maya protested.

"Huh?" Lucas questioned.

"I love you Lucas." Maya simply stated. 

"I love you too Maya." Lucas smiled.

"Now it's enough emotion." Maya insisted while giggling. Maya let a small yawn slip out.

"You tired?" Lucas chuckled. Maya smirked and shrugged. "You don't have to go home, we can just stay here if you want. Maybe watch a movie?" Maya smiled and nodded. "Alright, which one?"

Maya smirked, "In honour of Riles, the parent trap!" Lucas smiled back at her. He turned on Netflix and put on the parent trap. After he went to the kitchen and popped some popcorn. He returned to the couch and let Maya rest her head on his chest. Slowly they began to fall asleep, exhausted from the long day they had. 

[Lucas' Apartment — 4am]

Maya's eyes fluttered as she woke up to a nauseous feeling in her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. She flushed the toilet and laid down on the bathroom floor from fear of having to throw up again. She was laying on the floor when she heard a knock on the door. "Maya?" Lucas' mother walked in. "Oh sweetheart. You're completely flushed! Are you sick?" Maya shrugged. "Are you late?" Maya opened her eyes in nervousness, Lucas' mom was right. Maya nodded. "Oh dear, alright. Well, umm... I'll go out and buy you a test at the 24 hour pharmacy.

"You don't have to do that. It's 4 in the morning and I can get it myself. Thank you though."

"I insist Maya. Don't worry the sooner we can know the possible." Lucas' mother smiled and walked out to her car. Lucas walked in. 


"How much of that did you hear?" Maya asked nervously.

"All of it..." 

"I could just have the flu!" Maya reasoned.

"Why didn't you tell me you were late?"

"I didn't entirely realize it until now. Besides if I am pregnant, we both know who's baby it is..." Lucas shook his head and had a look of sadness. "I'm sorry for being blunt but you know that Jos-" Maya lifted the toilet lid and threw up again. She took some toilet paper and wiped her mouth. "It's not like you're a virgin, I mean Parker is kind of the evidence."

"Don't you dare bring Parker into this. This was your mistake!" Lucas snapped. Maya's brows furrowed.

"Mistake? Josh was not a mistake. But maybe all of this is, because obviously you don't think very highly of me." Maya stood up and rushed past him and into the kitchen.

"Maya, I didn't mean it like that," he said chasing after her.

"Didn't you!? You hate the fact that I slept with Josh! And I don't blame you. You think I'm thrilled about the fact that you slept with Riley? Of course I'm not but that matter because all that matters is that it's you and I together now!"

"What happens if you're pregnant?"

"THEN WE DEAL WITH IT THEN! But we don't know anything right now! Okay? I'm in love with you. Not Farkle, not Zay, not Josh! NOBODY BUT YOU." Maya shouted. Lucas couldn't help but smile, he pulled her in to a hug. Lucas' mother cleared her throat to get their attention. 

"A-HEM!" Maya and Lucas turned to see Lucas' mother with the pregnancy. "Here." She handed Maya the test and Maya walked into the bathroom. Lucas sat down on the couch and waited impatiently. "Don't you ever use protection?" his mother asked. 

"It's not mine. We haven't done anything."

"Then who's is it?"

"Her ex... Riley's uncle Josh."

"The 19 year old?"


"She's 16."


"He broke the law Lucas."

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