I Know Who I Have To Choose | Part 2

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Riley went into surgery 3 hours ago and just came out and was still sleeping from it. "It was a successful surgery." The doctor grinned. Lucas and Maya were standing at the end of the bed staring at Riley, waiting for her to wake up. "I'll leave you alone." The doctor walked out and left Maya and Lucas with Riley.

"So...?" Lucas muttered.

"So what?" Maya asked in confusion.

"Who are going to choose?" 

"I'm not telling until Josh is here too!"

"Oh come o-"

"No! This my decision! Not yours! I need some air."

"I'll come with you..."

"NO!" Maya spat, "I mean no!" Maya restated calmly. "I just- I need some alone air time." Maya walked out of the room, leaving Lucas alone with Riley.

"Happiness should not be so difficult." Riley said in a raspy tone.

"You're awake!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yeah, and you're an idiot!" 


"Oh sorry, I thought we were pointing out the obvious..." Riley grinned. "Look Lucas, happiness should not be this hard. Alright so here's what you're going to do: you're going to run after Maya and tell her everything you're thinking in that moment about her! No filter, no nothing."


"But nothing... Just go and do it!" Lucas smiled and ran off.

[Hospital — Courtyard]

Maya was sitting on a bench, twiddling her thumbs with tears streaming down her cheeks. Lucas walked up quietly behind her. He sat down beside her, and she hadn't noticed until he began to mutter the first thoughts that popped into his head. "My phone was faced down..."

"JEEZ! HUCKLE- You scared me!"

"My phone was faced down..." He repeated.

"What are you talking about?" 

"That one time in history, when we were talking about the Renaissance and we were trying to save your art class, my phone was faced down."

"I still don't get it-" Maya somewhat chuckled with awkwardness and confusion.

"Not until we put down our phones, switch off our computers, and look into each other's eyes will we be able to touch each other's hearts." Maya's mind sparked in realization. "Farkle told me that line from the book from the library. I heard that and the next thing I know is that whenever I would speak to you, I avoided having my phone in front of my face. I even took it out of my pocket for a second just to put it down and then I said-"

"I want you to be happy..."

"Yeah, and I meant that. Every word of it. And I know, I know you've made your decision but what I said to you that day about wanting you to be happy- it applies in this situation too." Maya was speechless and grasping onto every word Lucas' mouth produced. "Just thought you should know." Lucas stood up and walked away. Maya slunk into a slouch and took deep breaths to try and cool off her cheeks. 

[Hospital — Hallway]

Lucas was walking down the hallway back to Riley's room when Maya ran after behind him, she grasped his shoulder and turned him towards her, "I want me to be happy too..." Maya stood on her tippy toes and smashed her lips into his. It decreased in intensity with the simple brushing of their lips. While they kissed Lucas grabbed Maya's waist, picked her up and spun her around without letting her lips go. He slowly set her down and released each other's lips. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled. They were so distracted that they almost didn't notice getting trampled by a hospital bed being pushed their way by nurses. 


"Oh my god that was Riley!" Maya said in distress. Lucas and Maya held hands and ran until they were cut off by one of the nurses.

"I'm sorry you can't come in here!"


"I'm sorry..."


"The baby's heart stopped, we're doing everything we can. Please, you have to stay out here." The nurse went through the door and Lucas and Maya collapsed to the floor, in tears, in fear, wondering what would happen to Riley and Parker.

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