And It's Mine?

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Riley and Farkle were sitting on the couch, watching Parent Trap when *KNOCK*KNOCK* "That's probably Lucas." Riley said nervously. Farkle had been sitting with his arm around her and slowly took it away. 

"Do you want me to go?" Farkle asked.

Riley grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving, "Please, stay..." Farkle nodded. Riley stood up and hesitantly walked over to the door. She slowly turned the knob and creaked open the door. "Lucas...Hi!" Riley smiled. 

"Hey Riley what'd you wanna talk about? Oh hey Farkle." Lucas turned back to Riley who was by the door. "So what's up?"

"You might want to sit down." Riley said as she closed the door. Lucas listened to her instructions. "Alrighty ummm, okay I'm just going to say it!" Lucas' smile turned into a look of nervousness. "I, umm, I'm-"

"Riley! You're freaking me out!" Lucas mumbled.

"I'm pregnant!" Riley spit out. Lucas stuttered in sounds. "Okay I, umm, I know it's kind of WOOO! shocking but umm, I kind of- a- need you to- a- say something- ANYTHING really! So I don't go crazy..." 

"You're pregnant?" Lucas asked staring at the floor.

Riley slowly sat down beside him, "Yeah..."

"Wow..." Lucas huffed.

"Yeah..." Riley huffed back.

"A-And it's mine?" He asked in a bit of denial and shock.

"You're the only guy I've ever slept with, so yeah." Riley said insulted by the question.

"So..." Farkle said. Riley and Lucas both turned to him and gave him a look of 'seriously?' "Nevermind. Listen Riley, I should leave, let you two figure things out." Riley nodded. "Just go the doctors and confirm that you're pregnant because those tests do have false positives." Riley nodded again. She walked him to the door.

"Thank-you Farkle, for everything!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek and he waved goodbye. She closed the door and sat down beside Lucas. "So...?"

"What are we supposed to tell Maya?" Lucas asked.

"Nothing! At least not until we know for sure.  I can get Josh to take me to the doctors. So I presume you and Maya are- a thing? I don't really know what to call it..." Riley giggled awkwardly. 

"Riley, I'm really sorry for everything. It shouldn't have ended like this, but I want you to know that if you are pregnant and you decide to keep it, I will step up. 110%" Riley smiled when she heard these words out of Lucas' mouth. She reseted her head on Lucas' chest and they laid there for the rest of the night.

[The Next Day – Lockers]

Lucas and Riley were talking to each other about the night before and what the plans were. "I texted Josh and he said that he would take me."

"So what happens if you are- you know?" Lucas asked.

"I guess we tell our parents, and figure out what to do. Either we give it up or keep it because I refuse to have an abortion." Riley stated outright.

"What about Maya?" Lucas asked nervously.

"What about me?" Maya walked up behind him and linked arms with him.

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