You Are My Maya

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Maya ran as fast as she possibly could. If the coach from school was there, he'd ask her to be on the track team. She ran into a building and down the halls. She collapsed onto the stairs for a break. She rested for a minute before continuing to run up the stairs. She reached the door and knocked. The door opened slowly, "Hi..." Maya said out of breath.

"Maya what are you doing here? It's 5 in the morning!" he asked.

"Josh, I need to talk to you!" Josh nodded his head and let her in. She paced back and forth, trying to figure out the right words.

"Maya, you're freaking me out! What's wrong?" He sat down on the bed.

"I-I just- I'm- you're-" She hesitated and stuttered while her eyes clouded with tears. Josh pulled her into a hug and sat her down beside him. She immediately relaxed. "I took a test... Lucas' mom thought I was pregnant-" Josh felt his heart sink into his stomach, but sighed with relief when he heard the next words out of Maya's mouth, "I'm not but he told her that it would be you're baby because you're the only person I've ever slept with." Josh nodded his head to show he understood so far. "Did you know it's against the law?! Since I'm 16 and you're 19..." Josh was taken back. "Yeah... I didn't know but I figured it shouldn't matter because I love y- loved you." Maya was completely and utterly flustered. "I- I- I shouldn't be here but I had to warn you..." Maya swallowed and felt a lump in her throat. Her heart sped up and her breathing became heavy.

"When I was younger, Cory told me that I'd find my 'Topanga', I always waited for that girl. And then you showed up and you weren't my Topanga... You were better." Maya looked up from her shoes and smirked. "You were my Maya. You are my Maya" Josh said smiling. "And I don't know what's going to happen in the future with you and cowboy but I'm not done with us. I'm in it for the long game..." Josh slowly leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Maya didn't know what to say or feel or even do. "You don't have to say anything. It's fine." Maya was getting lost in Josh's words and eyes until she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She snapped out of the trance she fell in and grabbed her phone from her pocket. Across the screen read Huckleberry. She didn't know whether to answer it or not. "You can answer it Maya, he's your boyfriend." She looked at Josh then back at her phone. She declined the call and put it back in her pocket. "Wow! You guys in a fight?"

"Of sorts..." Maya responded. 

[Lucas' Room]

Lucas was pacing back and forth waiting for Maya to pick up but when he heard it go to voicemail he knew he was in trouble. "Maya, please! I'm so sorry, let's just forget this ever happened! I love you. Please call me back!" Lucas sat on his bed. He felt his stomach twist and turn because in his heart he knew, something bad was about to happen; and he wasn't wrong...

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