Just Tell Me One Thing

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"Well? Do You?" Riley asked. 

Before Lucas could answer, "Don't answer!" Maya yelled. "Riley stop! Ok? You're being bitter and if it makes you feel any better, the kiss meant nothing! For either of us!"

"Actually..." Lucas muttered. Riley and Maya both looked at him. 

"What?" Maya's cheeks became heated while she tried to hide her smile.

"So you did make a mistake?" Riley asked holding back tears.

"I didn't say that!" Lucas said. 


"STOP!" Maya screamed. "I can't handle this. The triangle ended. This is exactly what we were supposed to avoid but obviously that's not how it's going to work. So, I'm going back to class, you two can come back if you want but just shut up if you do!" Maya turned away and walked back to class leaving Lucas and Riley alone together in the hall. 

Riley slowly walked over to the nook in the wall and sat down. Soon after Lucas sat next to her. "Just tell me one thing." Riley muttered, "Do you still like Maya?" 

Lucas shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I- Riley?"


"I'm sorry." Lucas said.

A tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek, "I know..."

[Lunch Table]

Farkle and Smackle were sitting and eating together when Maya sat down next to them. "Hey guys."

"Salutations Maya. Where's Riley?" Smackle asked.

"Don't know, don't care..." Maya muttered.

"Uh Oh." Farkle said with realization and nervousness scattered across his face. "What are you two fighting about?"

"What makes you think we're fighting?" Maya asked. Farkle raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips into a 'seriously?!' look. "Fine, we're fighting but I'm not really all-that comfortable telling you why." Farkle realized what Maya was talking about and whispered in Smackle's ear. She simply nodded and walked away. "Umm, what'd you just say?"

"I need to see your wrists, Maya." Farkle stated simply. Maya's face quickly went from confusion to bitter realization.

"He told you..." Maya said shaking her head while she bit her bottom lip

"He didn't have to tell me, Maya." Farkle told her he extended his hand out and held her hand. "Does Riley know?" Maya shook her head. 

"So what, you just guessed?" Maya shouted in a hushed yell.

"He may have brought it up but that doesn't matter! Did. You. Tell. Riley?!"

"Farkle I can't tell her, especially not now!" Maya exclaimed.

"Well, why not?" Farkle asked confused.

"We're in a bit of a situation right now. Lucas and I kind of had a moment." Maya explained

"Oh..." Farkle sighed. "Is that why they were going back and forth?" Maya nodded. "Hmm. Well I'm sure Riley will-"

"Don't think so, I've never seen her so hurt." Maya interrupted. "I just don't kno-"

"Hey guys!" Riley sat down beside them smiling. Farkle and Maya looked at each other confused.

"Umm, hey Riles..." Maya replied hesitantly. "Uhhh, where's Lucas?" She asked with her jaw clenched.

Riley bit the inside her cheek as she smirked. "We, uhh, talked, and decided to break-up."

"I'm sorry..." Maya said.

"Don't be." Riley smiled. "He's not in love with me."

"Riles, I-"

Riley interrupted Maya, "Because he's in love with you..." 

Of Course I Like YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang