May I Have This Dance

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[Josh's Dorm — NYU]

"So where's your roommate?" Maya asked.

"Oh shnoop-aloop went home to see his parents for the weekend." Maya nodded her head as she paced around the room thinking what else to say without things being awkward. "You okay, Maya?"

Maya sighed, "Umm, no, I- well yeah, but- yo- I-"

"You seem flustered..." Josh chuckled.

"How could you tell?!" Maya asked sarcastically. "I just really shouldn't be here but I am and now you've said things and those things were nice to hear but they shouldn't impact me as much as they did because I'm with Lucas. I love Lucas. I just- I need to think about-" Maya felt herself getting lost in her thoughts and Josh's eyes. She shook herself out of it quickly as soon as she felt herself leaning forward. "I should go!"

"Maya! It's 6 in the morning." Maya didn't seem to care. "At least let me walk you home." Maya nodded. Josh grabbed his jacket and handed Maya hers. They walked along the streets and stopped in front of a little café as Maya glared through the window at an old couple, holding hands and drinking coffee. "You good, Maya?"

"They look so in love..." Music began to play outside from the speakers of the café. It was old-time slow dancing music. Maya swayed in spot as she marvelled at the old couple acting like teenagers. 

Josh bowed with his right arm extended. "Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?" Maya giggled at the ridiculousness and sweetness of Josh's quote-unquote scene.

"I would be delighted!" Maya said in a 40s sounding, war is over, voice. She placed her hand in the palm of his and they danced together while laughing and gazing into each other's eyes. Josh twirled Maya around and even lifted her up twice. "I never knew you could dance..."

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

"Oh really?" Maya chuckled jokingly. "Well I hope to learn about those things." She smiled and they continued dancing. The old couple in the café began to marvel at them instead of the other way around. In a way, it reminded them of how they used to dance around for hours. As the song came to an end Josh carefully dipped Maya as they looked into each other's eyes. He pulled her up and held her face in his hands. He leaned in closer, slow and steady. Their lips connected with a soft, passionate, and unsteady kiss. Cars passed by in the streets lighting their kiss every couple of seconds. Josh slowly backed away. Maya looked at him with love and confusion; it felt like she was right back where she was before Riley died. "What was that for?" Maya asked breathy and with a slight giggle. 

"I'm in it for the long game... I meant it when I said it. I just-"

"MAYA?!" Maya and Josh turned to see Lucas standing behind them with his fists clenched.

"Lucas, I-" Before Maya could finish her sentence Lucas walked up to Josh and punched him square in the nose. "LUCAS!"

"It's fine, I get it. It was a dick-move on my part..." Lucas went to throw another punch but Maya grabbed his hand. 


"You know, I DON'T GET YOU! First you're confused on who to pick, then you pick me, now you're back to where you started after we get into a little fight?!"

"Little fight?! You were threatening to put Josh in jail! You think I want this to happen? I hate this! But I love you!"

"Well, do you have feelings for him?!" Lucas asked while he chocked on his words. Maya simply nodded. He felt tears rush to his eyes but he held them back. "Unbelievable!" Lucas stormed off.


"I'm sorry I-"

"You don't have anything to be sorry for! I just-" Maya said interrupting Josh but was also interrupted. The old couple came out and smiled at them.

"Seems as though you are in a situation..." The old man said.

"That's an understatement!" Maya chuckled politely. 

"I was in the same situation... I had to choose between two boys. It was difficult. But eventually I decided and it was the best choice I had ever made." The old woman explained.

"You chose him?" Maya asked smiling.

"No. The man I chose died in the war and I was heartbroken but without that happening I would have never met my husband." The lady smiled. "No matter who chose now, it won't matter because when you do find the person you're meant to be with everyone else before will have never happened. Whether it's the person you choose now or someone you haven't even met." The lady smiled, intertwined her arm with her husband's and walked away into the streets as the song began to replay.



"May I have this dance?" Maya giggled.

"I would be honoured." Josh smiled. They took each other's hands and began to dance and forget everything in life. "I won't pressure you into anything. Whoever you choose, I just want you to be happy..." Maya kissed cheek and chuckled. "What?"

"Shut up and dance..." Maya giggled and they danced together in perfect synchronicity until they were lost from reality, or at least 7 in the morning.

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