Excuse Me

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[The Next Day — Lunch]

Maya was sitting at the table with Lucas, Zay, Riley, Farkle and Smackle. She was happier than usual and the rest of the group took notice. "Why do you look more jubilant than usual today?," Smackle asked. The group gave her a look of confusion, all except Farkle of course. "Contented," she corrected herself. They still looked confused.

"Happy." Farkle explained. "OOOOOH," they all said with realization in unison. Maya moved her food around with her fork, "So...?" Farkle asked, "Why are you so happy?" Maya shrugged. Moments later Maya felt cool hands cover her eyes.

"Guess who..." Maya giggled. 

"That's why I'm so happy. Josh is the best!" 

"You are an amazing guesser!" Josh said as he bit his lip. Lucas clenched his jaw and rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Maya asked gleefully.

"I finished my paper early and wanted to surprise my girl." He kissed her quickly but with fervour. Lucas rolled his eyes again. 

"Excuse me..." Lucas got up and left. Maya sunk into a posture of guilt, she felt awful for flaunting Josh in Lucas' face. 

"You okay babe?" Josh asked. 

"Ummm, I just- I'm- excuse me." She kissed Josh on the cheek and walked quickly in the same direction Lucas went in. Once she was clear of the group eyesight and she saw Lucas, she ran up behind him quietly and jumped on his back. "LISTEN HUCKLEBERRY!" She yelled at him, "WE ARE GOING TO TALK BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE A LOST PUPPY IN ONE OF THOSE CHEESY ROMANCE FILMS RILES LOVES SO MUCH!" She steered him into the janitor's closet, jumped off and blocked him from getting out.


"Nope," she said cutesy.


"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" Maya spat with concern. Lucas shook his head in anger and disbelief, "Just tell me Huckleberry!"

"You just had to sleep with him!" Lucas snapped. Maya was taken back.

"She told you?"

"She didn't have to! I saw the text you sent her..." Maya didn't know what to say. "Can I go now?" 

"No! You can't just drop a huge bomb like that and then say 'Can I go now?'!" Maya exclaimed mockingly. 

"Well what do you expect me to say?! I'm in love with you and you're-"

"In love with you too..." Maya interrupted. 


"You heard me," she muttered. "I'm in love with you too but-"

"But..." Lucas sighed. He hated that word especially after hearing Maya say she reciprocated his feelings.

"But I don't want to be, not now anyway. I love Josh and you're about to have a baby in a few months. I mean, we broke up for a reason right?"

"Yeah." Lucas said.

"Do you remember the reason?" Maya said in a hushed tone.

"So we could get back together," Lucas leaned in, he was waiting for Maya to stop him but this time she didn't. Her body was leaning back against the closed door, and Lucas leaning into her. One hand around her waist, the other behind her head. She felt him slowly pressing his lips against hers. While the kiss started slow it built up quickly and soon they were kissing each other's necks and moaning. 

"WAIT!" Maya stopped it. "I can't do this, not right now anyway, I'm with Josh- I'm happy with Josh. Can you just give me some time to figure things out?" Lucas nodded.

"I'd wait forever times itself for you." Maya cheeks lit up like red Christmas lights, she stumbled out of the janitor's closet with Lucas, giggling, to see Josh standing right in front of them. 

"Oh god," She mumbled to herself.

Josh took a slight step towards them, "What's going on?" Maya looked at the two boys staring each other down realizing that nothing had ever been so complicated for her ever before.

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