Why'd You Lie?

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Riley and Josh were waiting patiently in the the waiting room. "Did you guys use protection?" Josh asked.

"Of course! I'm not an idiot Josh!" Riley snapped.

"Okay, calm down... So why didn't he bring you here?" Josh asked.

"He doesn't have a car plus I'd rather him keep Maya busy..." Riley replied


"We broke up because he's in love with her." Riley explained.

"And is she in love with him...?" Josh asked nervously. 

"I don't know." Riley replied non-chalantely as she flipped through the magazine.

"How do you not know?!" Josh freaked.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really. I've learned that the long game has a lot of rules along the way." Riley patted Josh's shoulder.

"Riley Matthews." A nurse said from the door. Riley and Josh grabbed their stuff and walked in. They sat in a room with an ultrasound machine next to her. She felt the nurse practically judging her. "So how come you kids didn't use protection?" The nurse asked.

"A) I did. B) He's my uncle, so...GROSS and C) If I wanted judgement I would have told my catholic neighbour." Riley snapped. Josh chuckled. The nurse rolled her eyes and left the room as the doctor walked in.

"Riley Matthews?" Riley nodded at the doctor. "Alrighty, well I'm Dr. Radnor. I'm warning you this will be a little cold." Riley nodded again. The doctor squeezed the gel onto Riley's stomach and she barely flinched. The machine turned on and there it was, "You're about 2 1/2 months along." Riley was mesmerized at the sight of it, happy almost. 

"Th-That's my b-baby."Riley said in disbelief. The doctor nodded. "You're going to be a great uncle at age 18!" She turned to Josh. He smiled and held Riley's hand.

"I'm here for you. Always." Josh smiled.

[Riley's Apartment]


"Hey Matthews. Riley told me to come over after dinner but I figured she'd be back by now so..." Maya said as she walked through the threshold of the door.

"Umm, she said she was at your place." Mr. Matthews replied. 

"What?" Maya said confused. Just then Riley walked through the door. 

"Uh Oh!" Riley muttered.

"Riles, what's going on? Why'd you lie?" Maya asked suspiciously.

"I, uh, I..." Riley stuttered and stammered. Maya was giving her a look and her father was crossing his arms. Auggie came in and kept poking at Riley asking where she'd been. Finally everything was pent up and she let it all go... "JOSH TOOK ME TO THE CLINIC!"

"What? Why?" Maya asked.

Riley couldn't hide it anymore, "I'm pregnant..." Mr. Matthews' mouth dropped, "Lucas is the father..." Maya's eyes widened and her lips parted. 

"I-umm, I have to go..." Maya said breathy as she rushed out the door. Riley wanted to throw something. 

"You do realize that you're grounded, right?" Mr. Matthews stated.

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