This Doesn't Change Anything

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Maya was running home when she stopped in front of a random street corner and broke down. Her breathing became heavier and quicker. Soon she was hyperventilating and crying as she collapsed on the curb. "Maya, you okay?" Josh sat down next to her.

She sniffled in a wiped the tears away from her cheeks, "Not really! I'm guessing you already know cause someone had to take Riley to the clinic..."

"Yeah. What do you wanna do?" Josh asked.

Maya chuckled at the question and stood up to pace around, "Scream, cry, throw shit, ALL OF THE ABOVE!"

"It's going to be okay..." 

"NO! I know Riley and Lucas, he's going to say that it doesn't matter but it does and she's not going to have an abortion or give it up. Riley believes that things happen for a reason; that there aren't coincidences and nothing's random! And he's the same way! And I know, I know it's sounds dramatic but I actually thought for a minute, Lucas and I would work..." Josh clenched his jaw and stood up and walked over to Maya and turned her towards him. He let his hands rest gently, but firmly on her waist. He pulled her closer and look in her eyes. As he bit his lip and held her face in his hands he leaned and kissed her with a desire and passion. Maya gave into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his waist. They pulled apart and gazed into each other's eyes. "Well this just got a-hell of a lot more complicated." Maya giggled and held Josh, as did he. "Listen, I should probably go talk to Lucas, clear some things up." Josh nodded. Maya let go and went to walk away.

"Before you do-" Josh pulled her back towards her smashed his lips into hers. It wasn't a long kiss but it was passionate. Maya chuckled and stumbled away.

[Lucas' Apartment]

Maya banged on his door and as soon as Lucas opened it she barged in. "Maya." He said smiling. Maya's face had anger written all over it, "Maya, what's wrong?"

"So, Matthews, Friar, or hyphenated?" Maya spat out.

"What are you talking about?"

"The baby's last name..." Lucas' face lit up with realization and nervousness. "Were you ever planning on telling me that you were going to add 'Daddy' to the long list of names people call you?" She asked with hostility. 

"Maya I-"

"I can't believe you. You know I believed you wanted to be with me. I actually thought for a second that you and I could be something incredible!" Maya interrupted.

"We can be, we already are! This doesn't change anything!" Lucas defended

"DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING!? YOU'RE HAVING A BABY!" Maya snapped. "With my best friend... If that doesn't change things, what will!?"

"It's not the end of the world Maya."

"Maybe not, but it's the start of a new one and frankly I don't know if I want to live in it."

He grabbed her hands and held on tightly as he looked in her eyes, she averted eye-contact ever other second, but he kept turning her head back towards him. "Trust me when I tell you that I want to be with you! That there is no other girl for me than you. I mean that!"

"Yeah? Well I meant it when I said Josh is just a fantasy and that you don't go out with a fantasy, but that didn't stop me from kissing him!" Maya snapped. Lucas let go of her hands and all Maya saw was pain in his eyes. She immediately regretted it, "That didn't come out right..." She muttered. "I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. I just didn't stop him. And honestly, I didn't - not enjoy it..." Lucas scoffed. There was a pit in his stomach from the pain he was feeling. 

Lucas walked over to the couch and sat down, "So where does this leave us?"

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