I Know So...

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[Hospital – ICU]

Lucas asked Maya to be with him since it was Parker's last day in the ICU before Lucas could take him home. Lucas marvelled at Parker; as did Maya. "He really does look like her..." Maya smiled with a tear in her eye. 

"What if I can't do this...?" Lucas asked scared. 


"Parker's been here. In the ICU and it's been easy or at least easier. What if I can't be a dad or at least a good one?" Maya turned Lucas' face towards her and gave him a quick peck on the lips. 

"You are going to be the most amazing dad in the world! I guarantee it. And, if you need it, I'm there to help!" Maya smiled and turned her attention back to Parker. 

"So... how's Farkle?"

"Heartbroken! He really likes Leo and the fact that Leo likes Smackle probably makes it hurt even more. I just- I think he needs a lot of time because Leo made him have these feelings that confused him and when he figured them out, shit went down. He'll be fine eventually... I hope." Maya smiled. 

"Have you talked to Josh lately?" Lucas asked clenching his fists.

"He actually took me out to dinner last night..." Maya said hesitantly.

"Huh..." Lucas sighed.

"Yeah..." Maya said breathily. "He's, uh, a good guy." Maya bit her bottom lip with discomfort in their conversation. "So, um..."

"Do you have any idea who you want?"

"Lucas, I-"

"I just really want you to pick me yesterday, and I don't mean to put pressure on you it's just-" Lucas  sighed while licking his bottom lip, "I don't even know anymore..." Maya sighed and kissed Lucas on the cheek. He smiled. "I'm going to go get the paperwork sorted out for Parker." Lucas left Maya with Parker.

"Hey little guy... You really do look like your mom!" As Maya chuckled, a little yawn left Parker's face and his eyes peaked open. "Oh my-" Maya felt her stomach fill with butterflies. "You have your dad's eyes though!" Maya giggled. "Most beautiful eyes in the world!" 

[The Day Before – Lucas' Apartment]

Maya and Lucas were in the - almost complete - nursery. The walls were almost finished with a baby blue paint covering 3 3/4 of the 4 walls. "Parker's going to love it!" Maya said chuckling.

"I hope so!" Lucas said.

"I know so..." Maya said walking closer to him. Lucas smiled and leaned it. Maya quickly blocked Lucas' kiss with the paint brush hit his nose. 

"Oh my-"

"Oopsie..." Maya giggled and bit her bottom lip. Lucas took his paint brush and brushed it across her forehead. "You are so dead!" Maya chuckled. Soon Lucas and Maya were practically covered in paint. Maya grabbed the paint can and dumped it on Lucas' head. Lucas grabbed Maya from behind with his arms wrapped around her stomach and twirled her around the room. When he put her down, they leaned in closer until their painted lips were touching in passionate synchronicity. 

[Hospital – ICU]

Maya reminisced on the day before and giggled to herself, "You're going to love your room! I know I do..." Maya bit her bottom lip and daydreamed until she felt a buzzing in her pocket. 

'Just wanted to say I hope you have a good day, Beautiful!' The white letters across her screen made her blush rosy red. Maya giggled and then started to remember the day before at the same time and her mind just clouded with complete and utter confusion.

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