Hold On A Second

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[Farkle's Apartment]

"So after I cried for a while, I ran here." Maya explained everything to Farkle. He had his arm wrapped around her as she sniffled.

"What are you going to do?" Farkle asked.

"I'm going to tell Josh that I can't be with him."

"What?!" Farkle asked confused.

"Lucas- he made my decision for me... He left but the fact that I'm completely and utterly destroyed by this tells me th-that Lucas, he's the one!" Maya giggled as her cheeks turned pink. "He's the one! I can't live without him. I'm an awful person I know bu-"

"Hold on a second! You are an amazing person! All you ever did was put Riley's happiness before your own. You're the greatest friend possible, to a fault sometimes but still. So when are you going to tell Josh?" Maya stood up and grabbed her coat.

"Right now! Thank you Farkle!" Maya put on her shoes and left to go talk to Josh.

[NYU – Outside Josh's Dorm]

Maya walked down the hall and up to Josh's dorm. She held her fist up to knock on the door but slightly hesitated. She eventually knocked on the door and waited patiently. Josh opened the door. "Hey Maya, I was actually just getting ready to call you. Here, come in." 

"I can't do that Josh."

"Of course you can, you just move your feet." Josh said chuckling. Josh noticed Maya was avoiding eye contact while biting her lip. "What's wrong?" Maya's eyes got teary.

"Josh, I-I-"

"Oh," Josh knew exactly what was about to happen.

"I'm sorry but-"

"You're choosing Lucas..." Josh said shaking his head. "Can I ask why?"

"He's the one! I hate that it's him but I can't change that. I see him and I think of our future and possible family. I see me growing old with him and- you're great, you might even be the better option, it's just-"

"He's your Lucas." Josh huffed. Maya nodded.

"In so many words. I'm sorry I wish it wasn't happening like this!"

"Well you should go tell him," Josh smiled. "He's a lucky guy."  Maya walked closer to Josh and kissed him on the cheek. Josh closed his eyes and took it all in. "Just so you know, this is pretty close to how it happened last time. You chose Lucas and I was hurt but then he hurt you and you ran to me. The only difference is when he eventually does hurt you, I won't be there for you next time."

Maya nodded, "I know. I really am sorry." Maya walked away and left Josh alone. Josh closed the door to his dorm and smiled. His heart was broken but he knew that there was nothing he could do.

[Lucas' Apartment]

"You're an idiot!" Zay said after Lucas explained what happened.


"Dude..." Zay said in a condescending tone, "Maya loves you! And if you're too blind to see that-"

"She wasn't going to make a choice so I made it for her." Lucas said smiling. 

"Why are you smiling?" Zay asked with a confused look on his face.

Lucas chuckled, "Remember how I told you about how I met Riley and how we went on our first date?"

"Maya pushed you guys...?" Zay replied.

"And now I'm pushing her."


"I knew Maya would never decide on her own, so I made the decision for her. Either she ends up happy with the decision I made and she stays with Josh or she'll come back to me."

"What if she doesn't do either?"


"She's stubborn, dumbass! You really think she'll come back to you, even if she does break it off with Josh?"

"Oh god..." Lucas sat himself down on the couch. 

Lucas' mom walked in with Parker asleep in her arms. "I have to go to work, so here's Parker. He's a looker," she said chuckling. She handed Parker to Lucas. "Why so glum, chum?"

"Because I made a huge fu-fudging mistake..." Lucas said censoring himself.

"Dude, Parker can't understand you yet." Zay grinned.

"But I can!" Lucas mother said with a stern look on her face. "All right, we can talk about this later, because I'm going to be late for work. Goodbye my handsome boy."

"Bye mom."

"I was actually talking to Parker but goodbye hun..." Lucas' mother ran out. Zay laughed hysterically. 

"It's not that funny." Lucas protested but Zay continued to laugh.

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