He Looks Like Her

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[Hospital — ICU]

Maya was standing with Lucas with her head resting on his shoulder and his fingers interlaced with hers. Lucas was marvelling at Parker but Maya could barely look at him. "I think I might be going crazy but I swear, he looks like her!" Lucas said in awe. Maya smiled politely and faked a nod. All she saw was a face that looked smooshed with tubes surrounding it. 

"Umm, I'm going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything?" Maya asked Lucas. Lucas was a little confused. Maya didn't seem comfortable around Parker. Lucas shook his head. She started to walk away when Lucas lightly grabbed her arm.

"Are you alright?" he asked worried. Maya looked at Parker then back at Lucas, her mouth open but completely quiet. She didn't know how to tell the person she loved that she couldn't handle being around his son. "Maya?"

"I can't handle being around him. I see him and I don't see Riley! I think of her because he's the reason she's gone! And I know it's not his fault but I can't help feeling that way. And I hate saying this to you because you look at him with every bit of love you are capable of and I-" Maya's voice cracked and she chocked up. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Lucas pulled her into a tight and loving hug. 

"It's okay. I get it. There are days where I wish I wasn't his father because that means I lost one of the most important people in my life, but I can't help it that when I look at him, I see Riley and who she was and what she stood for! Parker is my son and I'm happy he is!" Lucas said with Maya still wrapped in his arms. "I have an idea: I'll go get the drinks and you stay here with Parker. Just talk to him. Tell him about Riley! Please." Maya reluctantly agreed. Lucas left the ICU and went to buy the drinks. Maya starred at the skinny, baby boy's stomach rising and falling as he inhaled and exhaled.

"So you're the reason I lost my best friend. You're so tiny and fragile, how could you have done so much harm? I know it's not your fault but I- I just miss her so much." Tears formed in Maya's eyes and started to lose control until she realized something about Parker, "You're never going to get to meet her... I feel bad for you." She placed her hand on the glass. "Your mom was something else. She was the happiest and best person I knew. She skipped to travel around, she gave herself rewards when she did something good, she was perfect and I'm sad you'll never get to meet her but I'm sure be just like her. And your dad of course. I love your dad. He's a great guy! The best really. I'm lucky to be in love with him." Maya felt a kiss on her cheek. 

"I'm lucky to be in love with you..." Maya turned to him and placed a kiss on his lips. "I got you an iced tea."

"I still can't see Riley in him. I'm sorry."

"It's a buildup. We'll work on it." Maya simply nodded and smiled. She looked back at Parker and let her smile fade into a smirk. Lucas was right, she knew that it wasn't going to be easy but she would get there.

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