Of Course I Like You

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[Maya's Apartment ]

Maya sat on her bed sketching in her notebook, avoiding the homework she was supposed to be doing. Maya pressed the pencil too hard against her notebook and broke the pencil. She opened up the side of her bedside table to grab the sharpener when she saw her old blades. Maya rolled her left arm sleeve up and ran her thumb across her old scars. "Broken," she said to herself. "That's all you're known to be..." Maya picked up her old blades. "And you! You're the tools that reinforce that." Maya stood up and walked into her bathroom with the blades in her hand. She looked at herself in the mirror and threw her blades in the garbage. "But you can't get to me anymore." Maya smiled and as she walked out the bathroom, she turned off the lights. She walked out to the kitchen to grab a drink when she heard a knock at her door. She walked over and opened it. "Hey Zay, what's going on?" Zay brushed by her and into her apartment.

"You have to go see Lucas." Zay demanded.

"Uhhhh- I'm guessing that Lucas didn't fill you in but he ended things with me..." Maya explained. 

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He told me all that but it doesn't matter because he's an idiot. He obviously doesn't know a good thing when he has it! Besides he was pushing you!" Zay said mocking Lucas' explanation of the situation.

"Pushing me...?" Maya asked.

"He asked me if I remembered how him and Riley met and I said that I did and he went on to say how you pushed her and how for their first date you pushed him to ask her out and he said that now he's pushing you." Zay explained without taking a breath. 

"Pushing me!?" Maya was pissed.

"I'm sensing you're upset..."

"I'm gonna kill him!" Maya stormed off, grabbed her coat and left out of her apartment. 

"He's gonna kill me..." Zay said as he sat himself down on the couch. 

[Lucas' Apartment]

Lucas placed Parker in his crib for the night and gently closed the nursery door so he didn't wake him up. He slowly creeped into the kitchen and heard a knock at the door. He walked over and opened it. 

"YOU PUSHED ME?!" Maya shouted.

"I'm going to kill him..." Lucas said to himself aloud.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Maya shouted louder than before.

"SSHHHHH!" Lucas shushed Maya, "Parker's sleeping," he whispered.

"You pushed me?!" Maya whispered back.

"Only because I knew that you would never make a decision." Lucas explained.

"That's not your choice to make." Maya argued.

"I knew that either you would pick Josh or break up with him and come back to me..."

"Well I did break up with him but I'm not coming back to you! I'm not going to beg or plead for you to be with me, I might actually be done all together."

"Why?" Lucas questioned.

"Why, what?" Maya asked annoyed.

"Why'd you break it off with Josh?" Maya opened her mouth but didn't let anything come out. She kept quiet. "Why?"

"Because I thought- I thought that you were the one... but now I'm not so sure!" Maya sat herself down on the couch. She rolled up her sleeve again and ran her thumb over her scars. "All of this over a few cuts and burns." Lucas sat down beside her. "When did things get so complicated?!" Maya asked breathily.

Lucas realized what he had to do, "You like me?"

"What?" Maya was confused. 

"We're back in middle school, and we're in Texas. It's you and me under the stars, next to that campfire." Maya felt herself smirk. "Maya, why didn't you want me to ride in the rodeo?"

Maya chuckled, "Because... I didn't want you to win and get all conceited..."

Lucas smirked, "I don't think that's it." He said knowing what was about to come next.

"I don't think that's it..." Maya said mocking Lucas with a fake country accent.

"I don't talk like that. I just don't! Why do you see me like that?"

"I don't see you like that... I just-" Maya felt the need to break away from the scene they were playing out. "You know what this isn't going to change anything! This was stupid. I have to go..." Maya said standing up and starting to walk away.

"Why do you make fun of me?" Lucas said trying to stop her.


"Why? Is it because I'm easy to make fun of?"

"Stop..." She said moving closer.

"Is it because I'm a huckleberry? A ranger rick?"

"Would you stop?" She said annoyed and moving closer.

"If you had feelings for me, you would come right out and say it but you don't! What you do say is 'Ha-Hur-'!" Maya cut him off by grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him close to her face. "It's like Texas..." Maya let go of his shirt.

"Why are you doing this?" Maya asked.

"Because I want you to admit it... I'm sorry..." Lucas said hoping she would continue the rest.

"Y-" Maya let out a sigh and smirked. "You don't have to be sorry Huckleberry; Of course I like you..."

"Because I'm a good guy?"

"No. Because you're the one." Maya smiled at Lucas. Lucas grabbed her, with her face in his palms and kissed her.

"I really should've kissed you in Texas, huh?" Maya giggled at Lucas and nodded with her nose scrunched as she smiled at him. Just as soon as they started to lean in again, Parker started to cry. They both sighed, "I will be right back!" Lucas said smiling.

"I'll come with you, Parker likes me." Maya stated.

"Of course he does..." Lucas chuckled.



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