Chapter 3

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edited : 26-12-2016•


It's race day! My dad and I are already at the circuit and the race will start in an hour. I'm super excited.

I don't even know why, but I put together the nicest outfit for today. I'm wearing shorts with flowers on it and a black crop top. Just in case it's not that warm, I put on a white vest, but I'm not wearing it anymore, as it's really warm. I'm wearing my white with black stripes Adidas superstars.

I quickly decide to text Max.

Me : Good luck! xx

Max : thank you! enjoy the race :) xx

I smile and put my phone away again. My dad and I are just talking slightly about the expections and who we think will place where. My dad says Hamilton, Rosberg and then Ricciardo, just as they are right now. Me being positive, I say Rosberg, Hamilton and Verstappen. Although it's going to be hard for him to get to the podium.

It's 2 o'clock which means the race is starting. The lights are turning red and the engine's of the car are making loud noises. Then, the lights go out and they're off. Max is at 5th place after the start and I can't see them anymore, so I'm looking at the big screen to follow the race.

After a few turns, the two Mercedes', Hamilton and Rosberg, crash into each other and they're both out. Our entire tribune is cheering, as most of them are Dutch. My dad and I cheer as well.

After a couple of laps, Max is leading the race and it looks weird to see VES on P1 right now. He is driving amazingly and making no mistakes.

After having a pitstop, he's back at P4 and later on leads again. Then falls back to P4 again after the pitstop, but soon, leads again. Raikkonen is behind him, closely. He tries to attack every lap, but Max is doing an amazing job of exiting out of the last cornor, so Raikkonen can't catch up. My dad and I are on the edge of our seats when we see Max driving over the finish line in P1. He won. He freaking won. Raikkonen is second and Vettel third. Max's team mate, Ricciardo is 4th. When Max drives past where we're sitting, he waves, like he promised. I think back at my joke, saying he'd wave after winning. I can't believe it actually happened. When I can't see him anymore, I turn to my dad.

"Thank you for the best birthday present ever" I say. My dad smiles and kisses my forehead. He is also a big fan of Formula 1, and seeing an 18 year old Dutch boy winning a Grand Prix makes him proud to be Dutch and he is smiling from ear to ear.

"We should try to get to the podium" he says. I nod and we both start walking towards it. People left and right run past us. We're not running, as my dad can't really run. We're fast walking, though. Luckily we're close to the podium, so we make it in time. I can see Max's car parked at the number 1 sign. The two Ferrari's are on either side of his car. It looks so weird. Vettel and Raikkonen are being called on first, obviously. And then, we hear it.

"And number 1, from Holland, is Max Verstappen!" Everyone cheers and I see the Red Bull Team going crazy. Max walks onto the stage and waves and cheers. He looks so happy, it's incredible to see. He stands on the podium and they start with the Dutch national anthem. He looks so emotional. He looks down and his eyes meet mine. He waves again and smiles and I wave back. After the Dutch one, the Austrian national anthem is heard, as Red Bull is from Austria. And then, they give out the trophey's. Max throws his one in the air and Red Bull cheers. They grab the campagne and it's everywhere. Max looks so happy, so careless. He also turns out to be Driver of the Day, obviously. I am so glad I got to be here.

I'm sitting in the cab that's taking my dad and I to the airport. I have school tomorrow, like normal and I don't want to. I want to just watch video's of the GP all day tomorrow.
My phone starts buzzing with texts.

Max : hey!

Max : are you still in Barcelona ?

Max : how about that drink right now ? xx

Me : first off


Me : Second

Me : i'm in the cab to the airport right now. our flight leaves in 2 hours... :( Rain check?

Max : thank you ! :*

Max : oh, that sucks. off course ;) I'm flying back to the netherlands tomorrow, so maybe we can hang out during the week?x

Me : maybe! i have school though, but on wednesday, i'm off at 11, so maybe in the afternoon ?

Max : yes! I would like to take you out for that drink, other wise you might think i was just bluffing ;O

Me : aren't you ? ;)

Max : no, i'm not, just wait babe ;)x

Me : babe ? ;)

Max : yes x

I just put my phone away after that one and see that we reached the airport. My dad and I make our way through everything and board the plane that takes us back home.

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