Chapter 82

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Max and I walk out of the arrival hall and towards the car park, where Ryan will be waiting for us. We're not really talking, both in thoughts about what we will see later on. We have no idea what Evan will look like, laying in an hospital bed.

Max spots Ryan's car, as he's leaning against it. There are big bags under his eyes and he is pale. Ryan gives Max a hug, before giving me a hug as well.

"I know it may be a stupid question, but how are you?" I ask Ryan, as he drives away from the airport. Ryan sighs.

"Other than tired, stressed and all of the things happening in my head, I'm alright. You guys?" he asks, as he drives onto the freeway. I sigh and look at Max.

"About the same" I answer for the both of us. Ryan nods, not taking his eyes away from the road.

"I don't know if you guys checked Social Media, I guess not, but Evan had put a message up on all of his accounts, explaining the situation. Won't be long until the media finds out, as your fans follow us as well, knowing we're your friends" Ryan explains. Max just nods, not caring about the media right now. And he shouldn't, it should be the last of our worries.


Half an hour later, we walk in the hallways of the hospital in Amsterdam. I'm nervous to see Evan, but I can't imagine what Max is feeling. As we're walking, I grab his hand, hoping it will give him a bit of support. He sigh heavily, squeezing my hand as well.

We arrive at his room and walk inside. Luckily, he doesn't look that bad. He is just really pale. His eyes light up when he sees Max and me, though. Because it's early, we are the first ones here.

"Max! Jasmin!" Evan calls out, sounding somewhat excited. Max chuckles slightly, hugging his friend. I give him a hug as well.

"I thought you were in Monaco" Evan says, as we take a seat.

"We were, just flew in" Max says, trying to smile at Evan. Which is a hard thing, seeing him like this.

"Thank you, for coming!" Evan says.

"How long are you staying for?" he asks. I look at Max, letting him do the talking, until he doesn't want to.

"2 days, we have to go back to Monaco to pack our stuff for Australia. We also have some family to visit. I really wish we could've stayed for longer, though" Max answers. Evan just smiles.

"Are you kidding me? 2 days is cool! You don't have to change your entire life for me" Evan says, looking between the two of us. He doesn't look sick, except for his paleness, off course. He seems fine, like he can just turn 100 years old. Max sighs.

"Dude, I'm so sorry for all this happening to you" he suddenly says, whiping that smile off of Evan's face.

"Max, please don't. I know this is tough, but I just want to not think about it right now. I want to enjoy these moments, so can we just pretend I am just here with a broken leg for a while?" Evan asks. Max nods slowly.

"Sorry" he mumbles. I grab his hand tightly. Max smiles up at me, but it doesn't reach his eyes.


We've been sitting with Evan and Ryan for about an hour now, just talking about different things. The guys have been talking about memories, making all of them laugh at certain things. Evan looks up, as someone is standing at the door, his eyes kind of wide. Max and I turn around and I slightly freeze. Her blonde hair is pulled in a pony tail, her eyes wide as she looks at Max and me.

"I didn't know you'd be here" she mumbles. She looks at Evan, who is now slightly smiling.

"I read your Twitter, I was close by, wanted to see you" she says. Max just turns back around, not wanting to look at her any longer.

"That's alright, come on in Mikaela" Evan says. She slowly does, moving past Max and me, to hug Evan. She then turns to Ryan and hugs him as well. I guess when she was with Max, she had gotten to know them as well.

Mikaela looks at Max, frowning.

"Max?" she asks, as he looks up.

"Are you going to ignore me?" she asks him. Max looks at me, but I don't know what he wants from me right now. He just stands up and gives her a hug. I am supposed to not mind, but I can't help but feel annoyed, sad and irritated. Mikaela turns to me.

"Hi, I'm Mikaela" she says, holding out her hand. I just shake it, looking at her.

"I'm Jasmin" I say and she nods, trying to smile. She takes a chair and puts it next to Max, sitting rather closely next to him. Before I can stop myself, I stand up and walk out of the room. I actually run through the hallways, breaking down in the middle of a fucking hospital. I let myself fall, sitting on the floor, crying. Within a couple of seconds, I feel an arm around me, pulling me into them. Max, I recognize his aftershave.

"Shhh, calm down, baby, please" he says, hugging me tight. I just cry and cry, not being able to stop. This is just to much for me to take.

"Everything will be fine" Max whispers to me.

"Fine?! Your ex walks in and pretends everything is fine. She is just sitting extra close to you and to top it all off, your best friend is fucking dying, Max! How can everything be fine?!" I ask, more like yell, but oh well. Max just tightens his grip on me. I let my head fall onto his chest, feeling exhausted. I know that everyone is watching us, sitting on the floor, me just crying like a maniac.

"This was supposed to be a stress free part of the year. We finally have some time off, but instead, everything is worse. I- it's just to much, Max" I mumble, calming down, just slightly. Max sighs.

"Look, ignore Mikaela. I know I will. And I know Evan is dying, but we can't break down in front of him. Imagine being him, Jas. Knowing you're going to die, but not knowing when. I know this is hard, but we have to pull though, for Evan" Max mumbles against my hair, as he kisses my head. I sigh and let myself fall even more into him, slightly relaxing at his words.

"We have each other, we'll pull through" Max says. I nod slightly, looking up at him. He smiles slightly at me, whiping my tears away.

"I love you, Jasmin" he says, leaning and kissing my lips.

"I love you too, Max" I say back. He stands up and holds out his hand. He pulls me up and puts his arm around me.

"Again, ignore Mikaela" I nod, hoping I can, before breaking down on her. We just walk back to Evan's room, seeing a doctor leave his room. When we come in, everyone is looking confused, but a small smile is playing on Evan's lips.

"What just happened?" Max asks, while still holding me.

"The doctor just told me some news" Evan starts.



What do you think the doctor told Evan ? ;)

xxxxxxx <3

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