Chapter 71

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Max, Rose, Marcel and I walk into the Amber Lounge, where the party is held. The first thing I notice is the loud music. I then notice people wanting to take our picture. So the 4 of us walk up to them and pose for the picture. Soon, Victoria, Jos and Roy pose with us, for another picture.

We then walk ahead and into the bigger space, where lots and lots of people are already dancing. I spot Daniel, Nico, Vivian and Romain talking together. I haven't seen Nico yet, so I pull Max with me to him. He spots us last minute and smiles. I put my arms around, giving him a tight hug.

"Congratulations mister World Champion!" I tell him, making him laugh. I then hug Daniel, Vivian and Romain as well. Max, Rose and Marcel all follow my actions, hugging everyone. Max and Marcel are getting our drinks, so we just stand there, talking to the people surrounding us. Soon, Max hands me a drink, which is empty, very, very soon.

5 glasses later, Max and I are dancing rather closely. Lots of drivers have gone past us, congratulating us both on an amazing season. I've forgotten who came by and who hasn't, but that doesn't matter right now.

What matters now is Max and only Max. It feels like I can only see him right now, dancing with me and smiles his way through the night.

Halfway through dancing with Max, Rose stumbles into me.

"Jas! I want to get a matching tattoo with you tomorrow!" she shouts over the music to me, making me giggle.

"Let's do it!" I say, making her eyes light up.

"Really?! That's awesome!" she replies, hanging onto me. Okay, I'm drunk, but Rose is far worse than I am right now. I look around and see Marcel already walking towards her, shaking his head, but with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry for her!" he tells me, making me laugh.

"I am used to her!" I reply to him. He just holds her and talks with Max. I see Femke dancing with Seb and laughing along. Victoria and Roy are talking to Lewis. I smile when I see all the people I love being happy. And Dan, being drunk.


When I open my eyes, I regret everything. I groan, rather loudly, causing a laugh to be heard from next to me. I look to my right and see Max smiling at me.

"I hate you" I mumble as he laughs at me. He chuckles, placing a kiss on my head.

"I already laid down pain killers next to you along with a glass of water" he tells me, making me smile slightly.

"I love you" I now say, as I take the painkillers. Max smiles and pulls me close.

"I think I promised Rose that we'd get matching tattoo's today" I say, starting to remember last night. Max laughs at me.

"I don't even think that I regret that. I have wanted a tattoo for a while now" I tell him, looking at him. He seems fine and I hate that. He can drink so much, and not have a hangover the next day. It's unfair.

"I kind of  want a tattoo as well, so I'll join you guys" Max says to me. I nod, not wanting to know what he wants. I want it to be a surprise for me. And I guess Max thinks about it like that as well, as he isn't telling me what. I grab my phone and text Rose.

Me : what time are we getting tattoo's?

Rose : omg i was hoping you didn't forget about that because i was serious! in an hour in the lobby?

Me : deal!

Max and I make our way down after an hour of getting ready. The pain killers are helping and my headache is almost gone. I even start to feel better when I see Rose in the lobby, looking like hell.

"God, I hate alcohol" she mumbles as she hugs me. Marcel is there as well.

"Are you getting a tattoo as well?" I ask Marcel as we go and find a tattoo shop. He shakes his head.

"Just want to see what you two are getting" Marcel says.

"Three" Max then says to him, making Marcel grin.


We finally showed the tattoo artist what Rose and I wanted, as Max is with another one, explaining his. Rose and I look at each other when the man asks who wants to go first. I just step forward and sit down, laying my hand sideways on the table.

He draws it first, before tattooing it. It hurts slightly, but I can't help but smile my way through it. It doesn't take long before it's done and Rose gets hers. When hers is done, we quickly take a picture, me posting it on Instagram.

 When hers is done, we quickly take a picture, me posting it on Instagram

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jasminxo : matching tattoo's with babyrose <3

I smile at it. We wait for Max, and luckily he is done not much later. He walks over to me with a grin on his face.

"Okay, show me yours first" Max says, covering his up so I can't see. I grab Rose's hand and we hold it up to Max. He starts smiling.

"I love it!" he says, all excited. He kisses me quickly before he stands properly in front of me.

Max's POV

"Okay, so before I show you, just want to explain it. I just wanted something to remind me of my first ever Grand Prix win" I tell Jasmin. I can also see Rose and Marcel getting curious. Jasmin nods and looks at me arm. Mine is on my right arm, between my wrist and elbow.

I take my hand away and Jasmin's smile widens. It says : XV - V - MMXVI.

May 15th 2016. The day I won the Spanish Grand Prix.

"It's awesome! I love it" Jasmin says. I show Rose and Marcel properly as well and they all agree with Jasmin.

There is another reason of the tattoo, that I haven't told Jasmin yet. My win was the Spanish Grand Prix. And the Spanish Grand Prix is when I met Jasmin. And although I met her the day before, it still means the world to me that my first win equals me getting her in my life.

And I don't know when I am going to tell Jasmin that, but not now. Right now, I'm just glad that I know the reasons.


Slightly shorter chapter! But I've now uploaded a few chapters today, which is also why it's a bit shorter!

Hope you enjoyed it!

xxxxxx <3

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