Chapter 40

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So, apparently, some drivers thought it was annoying that we were texting a lot, so there has been a new group chat made, with just the ones who talk much, me included. And we've been talking, a lot.

Daniel : Jas, what do you want as graduation present?

Lewis Hamilton : yeah, i have no clue what to get you

Me : from you Dan, i want you to leave my boyfriend alone ;)

Me : no joking. i don't want gifts from you, the fact that you're coming to my party, is enough for me

Nico Rosberg : we can't just come empty handed!

Sebastian Vettel : what nico said!

Max <3 : if you want ideas, text me!

Daniel : that might be such a smart thing to do though

Daniel : max knows her best

Me : no! i don't want gifts

Carlos Sainz : too bad!

Max <3 : sorry babe

Me : i hate you all

I throw my phone away and glare at Max. He laughs at me though. I see his phone lighting up with message's, probably from the guys, asking about presents.

"I hate you" I mumble.

"Well, I don't hate you" he starts. I look at him and see a look in his eyes that I haven't seen yet. Something that looks likes nerves and happiness combined.

"I actually have wanted to tell you something for so long, but I've been affraid to and I don't even know or understand why. I have been getting texts from more than one drivers saying I should just man up, so that's what I'm doing" more than one driver. I smile at him, as I know where he's going with this.

"I love you, Jas" he then says. My smile grows and I push my lips to his. He instantly reacts and kisses me back. Luckily for us, we're in my room and my parents are gone, for now. Before anything happens, I pull back, much to Max's annoyance. But what I'm about to say, will change that.

"I love you too, Max" I tell him. His smiles widens, more than just a bit and he kisses me again. Max pulls me close and this keeps on going for a while, until we hear the front door closing and more than one voice. Max smiles at me and pulls me up from the bed. My parents got my grandparents here. They haven't met Max yet, but they know I have a boyfriend. Max knows that they want to meet him, which he thought was cute. Anyway, it's time to go downstairs.

We walk down the stairs and I already hear my grandparents talking to my parents. We walk into the livingroom and both my grandparents and my parents turn to us. I smile at them and say hello to my grandparents. Right after, I turn to Max.

"Grandma, grandpa, this is Max" I say and they start smiling at Max. Max politely smiles back and shakes their hand.

"It's nice to meet you both" Max says with a bright smile. My grandparents smile back at him. We all move to sit on the couch. I actually haven't seen my grandparents for a while now.

"I would love to get to know you Max, but I have to ask Jasmin about her new job" my grandma says. I smile and Max does too.

"I completely understand" Max says. I sit a bit closer to him and he slowly puts his arm around me.

"It's going great. We're on a break now, a much deserved one on Max's behalf. I've been loving every second of the job and I think we've done a great job so far" I say.

"We heard you're now the head one or something" my grandpa says. He doesn't really watches F1, but he is interested for me.

"Yes, I'm head communications, which means the whole team has to report to me about things that have to be discussed or changed. I'm also the one that is in charge of Dan's team when something goes wrong"

"Who is 'Dan'?" my grandma asks, clearly confused. I am so used to calling Daniel, Dan. But off course, other people might not know who he is then.

"Oh sorry, I mean Daniel Ricciardo, as in the other driver and Max's teammate" I say, and both my grandparents nod.

"Jas is actually really popular. A lot of other drivers love her as well and my team adores her, that's part of the reason why Christian, the boss, made her head communicator" Max says. My parents now smile as well.

"We can imagine people loving her" my mum says. I smile at her and push myself a bit more into Max. We talk a bit more about racing and the job I have to do. My grandparents ask some things to Max now as well, knowing about my job. They ask about not seeing his family as much and the way he goes into races.

All with all, the day was great.


Max's P.o.V

It's been a few days since the break started. I'm with my family right now. Jas also wanted to spend some time with her friends. Although she's with Rose, Jacky and Megan, she's been texting me throughout the day. And even though I'm with my dad and Victoria, I texted her back.

Some drivers are going to arrive tomorrow for the party and some are arriving the day after. I know Daniel, Nico, Lewis, Carlos, Sebastian and Kimi are arriving tomorrow. I think that maybe Jolyon, Kevin and Jenson arrive as well, but I'm not sure.

The only thing bothering me is that an hour ago, Jas texted me saying she got in the car to go get some food from the KFC. She hasn't replied to me yet. Maybe her phone's off. Or maybe she just forgot. But me being me, I just text her again.

Jasmin <3 : i'm going to get some food now! text you when we're back <3 xxxx

Me : okay babe ;)

Me : are you back yet, i miss talking to you ;)x

Me : jas??

Me : it's been an hour now Jas, did your phone die or something?

I sigh when I see the message going through, which means her phone isn't dead. Just when I'm about to call her, I have an incoming call from an unknown number. I frown but answer it.

"Hello?" I hear some sniffles, before the person begins to talk.

"Max?" I recognize the voice as Jas' mom. I frown and I'm getting scared now.

"What's going on? Is everything alright ? Is Jas okay?" I ask, freaking out.

"It's happening again" she says. I frown. What is happening? I am now up and running downstairs, trying to put my shoes on, while getting various strange looks from my dad and Victoria.

"What is happening again?" I ask her mum.

"Jas, she's been in an accident, all the girls are going to the hospital, but Jas, she's the worst" her mum manages to get out. I freeze. Jasmin's been in an accident. My Jas. She's the worst.

"What hospital?" I just ask, trying to not freak out to much, trying to stay calm.

"Amsterdam Central"

"I'm on my way"


First time I put in Max's point of view! I hope you enjoyed this. I was feeling like this was just a to happy story and there had to be some drama happening, so here it is.

Thank you again for all the voting and reading! means the world to me!

xxxxx <3

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