Chapter 12

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edited : 26-12-2016•

Max's alarm wakes me up. I groan and roll over, but I don't come far, as Max pulls me back against him. He puts his arms around me.

"Why did you set an alarm?" I ask, not fully awake yet, but enoying this.

"Because my trainer will be here in half an hour" he mumbles. My eyes widen. Half an hour.

"Half an hour?!" I almost yell. I feel and hear Max laughing. I try to pull myself away from him, but his arms tighten around me.

"Max, I promised I was going to come with you, but if you really want that, you need to let go off me now" I say. Max lifts his head up and pouts his lips, closing his eyes. I giggle and peck his lips. Just when I do that, Max removes his arms from my body and I climb out of bed. It isn't really needed that I take a shower right now, so I just grab my sport bra, shorts and black tank top. I put everything on in the bathroom and put my hair in a pony tail. I walk out of the bathroom and see that Max is already dressed. He's wearing grey shorts and a black shirt. I'm kind of disappointed that he's wearing a shirt. He sees me looking and laughs.

"Don't worry, my shirt'll come off later" he says. I blush scarlet red and walk to the closet to grab my shoes. I put them on and Max puts on his. I walk towards the kitchen, already feeling at home. I open the fridge and grab a bottle of water, to bring with me.

"Can you grab one for me too?!" Max yells as his doorbell rings. Okay, this wasn't half an hour, but 15 minutes. But I grab another bottle as I hear Max greeting someone.

"So, I'm bringing a friend with me today" I hear Max say. The man he's talking too sounds confused.

"JAS?!" I turn around and walk towards Max. A man is standing in front of him, looking extremely friendly.

"Jas, this is John, John, this is Jasmin" Max introduces. I shake John's hand and he smiles at me.

"You're training with us today, then?" he asks me. I nod slowly. John is extremely muscular.

"I'm not completely sure, though. I'm kind of scared" I say. Both John and Max laugh.

"You'll survive. You can always just stop or take breaks" John says.

"Feel honoured, cause I never get breaks" Max says to me. I giggle. I hand Max his bottle and then we're off.

When we're out of the appartment, we start with just simple cardio. John runs in front and Max and I follow. It's just slow running, as we're not warm yet. After a few minutes, we get to a park and we warm up, do some stretching. After that, John makes us do some things, like push up's, sit up's and all that stuff.

"I have an idea" John suddenly says. I take that as a cue to drink some water. I throw Max his bottle and he drinks as well. John walks over to a picnic table.

"You're going to work together on this one" John says. I frown and both Max and I walk closer.

"Do you have strong shoulders?" John asks me. My eyes widen slightly, but I nod. John nods, satisfied and goes stand in front of the table.

"Okay, Max, you're going to do push ups, while Jasmin is going to do squats" he says. Oh god.

"But, you're doing it at the same time, using each other" I'm still confused and Max doesn't look any different.

"Max, put your hands on the table, right here" John points and Max walks over there, putting his hands where John says he has to put them.

"Jasmin, go stand behind him" John says. I do so and stand behind Max.

"Just take a few steps back for now" he says to me and I follow his instructions. John goes and stands next to Max.

"I want you to push up your left leg" John says to Max. He does so and John grabs it.

"Now, your other leg, please" John says. Max does so and John grabs it as well, lifting both of his legs up. Max has to push himself up, leaning on the table.

"Come here, Jasmin" John says. I walk closer.

"I'm going to lay Max's legs on your shoulders now, okay?" he asks. I nod and stand at the perfect distance from Max. First his right leg is placed on my shoulder and then his left leg on my other shoulder. John takes a few steps back.

"Jasmin, is it okay? Does it hurt?"

"No, I'm fine" I reply.

"Good. Now when I say so, Max, you'll do 10 push ups and Jasmin, while he does that, you do 10 squats" he says. Max and I both nod.

"Okay, go" I feel Max putting pressure on his legs as he moves down. I move down with him and up with him. It actually hurts less than I expected. Max is putting not as much pressure on my shoulders as I thought he would've.

"Okay, did that go okay?" John asks, more to me than to Max.

"Yeah" I just say, still standing with Max's legs on my shoulders.

"Okay, one tip, hold on to Max's legs, it's easier" I nod and place my hands on Max's legs.

"As it went okay, I want you to do 20 now" John says. I hear Max groan, but he does so, so I follow him again. We manage to do 20, but I feel my legs hurting.

"Okay, that's enough" John says. He helps me put Max's legs back on the ground. When Max is able to turn around, he looks exhausted, but also some kind of happy. He highfives me and John looks pretty happy with us.

After that, we go back to the appartment and John tells Max he'll be back on thursday and then on saturday. Max tells John that I might join them again and John is more than happy about that. We both take a shower and eat something. I let myself fall on the couch and Max follows. He grabs his phone and smiles about something.

"What is it?" I ask, curiousness hitting me.

"You'll see" he says. I frown, all confused. A few seconds later, my phone buzzes. Instagram notification. Max tagged me in a picture.

maxverstappen1 : my new training partner! <3 #pushingeachothertothelimit #keeppushing

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maxverstappen1 : my new training partner! <3 #pushingeachothertothelimit #keeppushing

I smile at the picture and like it.

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