Chapter 51

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Before I know it, tears are streaming down my face. I let my head fall into my hands and within seconds, Rose is next to me, pulling me closer. Just then, the hotel door opens and Marcel walks in, luckily, alone. His eyes widen when he sees the scene. Me crying in Rose's arms. He slowly walks over to me and kneels down.

"What did Max do this time?" he asks, making me cry even harder. Rose glares at Marcel and his eyes widen, again. I shake my head, letting him know it's not his fault.

"You have to talk to Max, babe" Rose softly says. I try to stop crying and luckily, it works after a while.

"I know" I mumble. I have never seen Marcel look so worried and confused at the same time. His eyes then shift to what Rose is holding. And then it clicks.

"Oh, Jas" he says and moves closer to me as well. He puts an arm around me.

"It'll be alright. You two can figure this out" he says. I nod slowly, somewhere in the back of my head, I know he is right.

"I just don't know what to do" I admit. And I don't. I have no fucking clue. I'm 19 years old. How the hell am I supposed to have a freaking baby ?!

"Talk to Max" both Rose and Marcel say at the same time. I nod and whipe my tears away. Better sooner than later. Although it might be bad timing, right before his race. But he has another race next week and I can't wait another week. I hug Rose and thank her for everything. I then make my way to the hotel room that is just at the other end of the hallway.

I open the door and see Max laying in bed, watching TV. May I add, in just his boxers. Max notices me and he frowns. He sits up and I walk over to him.

"Have you been crying? Why have you been crying?" Max asks me. I sit on the bed and immediately, he moves closer to me, putting an arm around me. I already feel tears forming. I can't start crying now. I can't. Pull yourself together, Jasmin. That's what I tell myself, but it's not really working.

"Jas? What's wrong?" he asks again.

"I don't want to distract you from your race tomorrow. I'll tell you tomorrow" I mumble. Better to face it a day later than now.

"No, you're going to tell me now, because I'm worried" Max says. I look at him and it's all I can see, worry. I take a deep breath.

"Please don't leave me after hearing this" I mumble, a tear rolling down my cheek. Max whipes it away immediately and shakes his head.

"Whatever it is, we'll work it out" he answers. "I'm not going to leave you" I nod slowly and take a deep breath.

"Remember two weeks ago, when we fought, but made up?" Max nods, not knowing where I'm going with this.

"Well, those few days, I forgot my pill, because of stress and being upset. I took one the next day, though, thinking it was fine. At that time, I thought it wouldn't matter. But as I was on the pill, we were used to not using anything else" I start. I look at Max and I can see in his eyes that he is slowly understanding where I'm going with this. Max smiles slighty and holds my hand.


"I'm pregnant, Max" I say and start crying, for the 100000th time today. Max puts both arms around me and pulls me into him, kissing my temple.

"Babe, it'll be alright" Max mumbles against my head. I shake my head.

"How? I work for Red Bull, you're a god damn Formula 1 driver. How the hell are we going to raise a fucking baby?!" I ask him, getting upset. But he stays calm, hugging me tight.

"We'll figure something out. The important thing is that you calm down. Please babe, calm down" he tells me. I let out a whimper as I cry for a bit more. After I finally stop crying, Max looks at me.

"You really thought I was going to leave you?" Max asks me. I shrug, not knowing what I was thinking.

"I don't know" I mumble. Max shakes his head.

"Off course I'm not going to leave you, crazy woman" he says while chuckling. I have no idea why he is staying this calm.

"I need to tell my parents" I mumble. Max shakes his head.

"Not now. We're going to have to figure out what to do first. I don't want to cause trouble before we know what the plan is" Max says and I nod. I'm affraid to ask what I want to ask, but I do it anyway.

"Do you want to have this baby?" I ask him. Max thinks for a bit, before answering.

"I don't know. I want what you want. If you decide you want to keep it, than we keep it. If you decide you, we, are not ready, than I'm okay with that as well" Max answers and at that point, I can't be more in love with him.

"I love you" I tell him. He smiles and kisses me.

"I love you too" he mumbles.

"Quick heads up, both Rose and Marcel know" I tell him and he nods.

"Do you have an idea of what you want to do?" Max asks me. I shake my head.

"No. I have no clue. I used to think that when it would happen, I would never get rid of it, but we're both 19, how are we supposed to do this?" I say. Max nods.

"Look. Don't worry about our age. I'm sure both our parents will help if it is happening. Just think if you think you're ready for it" Max says.

"I'm not sure I am" I mumble, feeling horrible by even thinking about it. How can I do that? But how can I raise a baby ? A baby is not something that fits into our lifes right now. What the hell have we done to ourselves?

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