Chapter 29

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Edited: 08-01-2017

There are candles all through the living room. Pillows are covering the floor and there is soft music playing in the background. There are two glasses of champagne in the middle off the with pillow covered floor. The coffee table is moved to the side. In the middle of the room is a blanket that holds food. In front of the couch, that is on it's normal place, Max is sitting with his back pressed to the couch. He is holding a bunch of red roses and a smile is on his face.

I let my bag drop to the ground. I don't know what to say. Max slowly rises and walks over to me. When I look at him, I swear that I feel butterflies exploding in my stomach. They're flying everywhere. It makes me think of a song lyric. 'Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo'

"Max?" I manage to get out of my mouth, looking at him. Max smiles at me. I can see that his eyes are filled with happiness. I can't believe that he did this.

"Your parents are at your brother's house, eating and sleeping there. They told me that they wanted to give us some alone time. Your mum was really sweet, going on about how we both deserved it" Max starts. Before I can say anything, he continues.

"I cooked lasagna for you, as you liked that back when I made it in Monaco. I also thought champagne was better than wine, but I still have the wine you love with me, if you rather want that. I got the first 3 seasons of Teen Wolf on DVD, as you went on and on about wanting to watch it with me, although I wasn't sure about it. But I thought we could watch it, I'm kind of curious to see if there's another reason you love it except for the boys" I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I can't believe he did this. I didn't think he'd do all of this just because I graduated. When I look at him, I realise that it's more than just liking him at this point. I also realise that he is serious about this. Also, he might feel the same way I do.

"Max, this is amazing" I mumble, still not knowing what and how to say it. Max holds out the flowers for me. They are beautiful and full of life. I take them from him and smell them. I love the smell of roses. Max walks to the kitchen and comes back with a vase filled with water. He helps me put them in and setting them down on the table.

Max then takes my hand and leads me to the pillows. We both sit down and Max hands me a glass of champagne.

"I'm so proud of you" Max says, while putting his glass against mine. We both take a zip and I put my glass down. I am shaking so much, that my glass shakes with me. I look at Max and finally smile, being able to not be shocked.

"This is amazing, I can't believe you did this" I say. Max smiles proudly and kisses my temple.

"You deserve this. You just closed a chapter in your life and you opened a new one last weekend" Max says. I nod and think about his words. I did open my new chapter already, but I wasn't done last weekend. Now I am. I am able to fully focus on my future now. My future working for Red Bull Racing.

"I'm so glad I'm done with this. I am happy I can fully concentrate on Red Bull" I tell Max. He nods and looks down at his lap. When he looks up again, he opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again. He does this once more, before finally saying something.

"I was hoping I'd be a focus point for you as well" he says softly. It takes a few second to think about what he is saying.

"Off course you are. You are the reason I work at Red Bull now. You're the only reason. You're my main focus, Max" I tell him. Max smiles brightly and leans towards me. I close my eyes and feel his lips on mine. He pushes my hair out of my face and holds his hand on my cheek. I move my hands to his neck. He pulls me closer to him. I move to sit on his lap. Max moves one arm around my waist, pressing me against him. I move one of my hands to the end of his shirt and try to move it up. Max pulls away from my lips and presses his forehead against mine.

"Why don't we eat first, before it gets really cold" he says softly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, but nod. I move off of Max's lap and he grabs two plates with the lasagna. He hands me a fork and we both eat, while talking about my exams and what was in them. After putting the plates away in the dishwasher, we go back to the pillows and put in Season 1 of Teen Wolf. Max actually wants to watch episode after episode.

When we're at episode 4, I am done with watching, but Max watches it. I've already watched it, so I am not really paying attention. I move my lips to his neck and place soft kisses. I can hear the change in his breathing and I smile slightly against his neck. While I leave a trail of kisses, Max tries to keep his attention to the TV. With my lips coming close this his collarbone, Max pauses the TV and immediately puts his lips on mine. He moves us in a fast move and he is now on top of me, while I am laying down. It's his time to torture me, so he moves his lips to my neck and places soft kisses as well. My breathing quickens and so does my heart rate. Max's lips reach my shirt and he moves his lips up again, while I feel his hand moving under my shirt. I grab the ends of Max's shirt and pull it up. Max takes his shirt off quickly and moves his lips back on mine. After a few seconds, my shirt follows Max's and is now on the floor next to us. Minutes later, our shirts aren't the only clothing item that is somewhere on the floor.

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