Chapter 49

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The next morning, I wake up, alone. I am confused as hell when the room is empty. I see Max's stuff, but he isn't here. I sigh and grab my phone. It's 9 A.M. We have to leave for the airport in 2 hours. I slowly get out of bed and walk towards the shower. I feel dry tears on my cheek and I look awfull. I take a shower and put on my usual clothes, jeans and a RB shirt. I decide to do a full face make-up look, hoping it will make me look a bit more normal. And luckily, it does. When I'm about to re-pack my suitcase, the hotel door opens. I look up and see Max walking in, in his clothes from yesterday. I decide against talking to him and just re-pack my suitcase.

"I didn't want to wake up, so I stayed with Daniel" Max says. I just nod, not wanting to cry again and I'm not trusting my voice right now. We have an hour left before we have to leave.

"Jasmin?" Max voice is soft and for the first time in two days, I can hear emotion in it. I turn around and see his sad expression.

"Can we talk?" he asks me. I nod and let myself slide down to the ground. Max sits down on the ground accross from me. It stays silent for a bit, before he starts talking.

"I know I should've told you that I was texting her" he starts. "I didn't think about how you would feel at that point and you're right, I was being selfish. The thing is, I don't want to be with Mikaela. The reason why I texted her was because I saw her grandma had passed away. I wanted to pay my respects, but she took it as a love expression or something. And when you started being upset about it, I just started thinking about what would have happened with Mikaela if I didn't meet you. I started re-thinking the entire relationship I had with her and that's why I didn't give you answer" he says.

"Why didn't you talk to me yesterday?" I ask him, voice once again cracking.

"Because I didn't wan to distract myself and that once again is selfish, I know. I just knew that Christian would be trusting us to be adults and get through the race" he says and I nod.

"I know I should've trusted you. Just, when I read the texts, I started thinking about Shawn and I flipped" I admit. "I know I over reacted. But then you started to yell and I was getting so angry" I say.

"I know, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I just should've explained, but at that moment, it felt like you didn't trust me and that made me upset" he says.

"I guess we both didn't handle that really well, did we?" I ask and chuckle slightly. Max does too and shakes his head.

"The start was partly me messing up" Max admits. I look up at him and see him smiling slightly.

"I was beating myself up over everything that was happening and didn't react fast enough. It was partly the car though" he says. I knew it. I smile slightly now too.

"I'm really sorry, Jas" he says.

"Me too" I say. Max moves and sits down next to me. I let my head fall onto his shoulder and he puts his arm around me. I look up at Max and he presses his lips against mine before I can react. He lifts me onto his lap and I put my legs around his waist. He moves his hands under my shirt, before lifting it over my head. I follow his action and take his shirt over his head.

Clothing items are flying through the room and soon, there is no item left ot be thrown through the room.


We arrive at the gate at the airport. Daniel, Marcel, Rose and Femke are with us. Femke and Daniel have been getting along better than before. They're warming up to each other and it's good to see. We're sitting, waiting for boarding to start. Sebastian and Kimi walk past us, and Femke's eyes follow Sebastian. He sits down accross from where she is sitting and she keeps her eyes on him. Sebastian is putting on his headphones and types away on his phone.

"Femke?" she looks up and blushes, as she realizes she got caught.

"Excited for Malaysia?" I ask her and she nods.

"Ready for some action" she says. It's in two weeks, but I'm already excited. Max needs a good race after Italy and Singapore. Fans have been a bit disappointed in the last weeks. Max was disappointed himself as well.

We move onto the plane and I sit down next to Femke, as Max sits with Daniel. A few rows behind us are Kimi and Sebastian. As the plane takes off, I decide to just ask her.

"So, what's going on between you and Seb?" I ask her. She starts blushing like crazy. She looks around, to see if anyone is listening and then turns to me.

"So, at the celebration of Daniel's podium, he was there as well. We were both a bit drunk, but we kissed. We haven't talked after that, but I kind of like him. But I don't know the reason behind him kissing me" she admits. I smile. Sebastian is a great guy.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" I ask her. She nods slowly.

"But please don't make it obvious it's coming from me!" she says and I just smile. I decide to wait until we're home, so I can text him without it being weird.


I decided to come home with Max to his dad's house, where his sister is as well. After talking with his family, we decide to head upstairs to sleep. Obviously, I am not going to sleep yet. I grab my phone as Max just watches some videos from the race. I open a conversation with Sebastian.

Me : hey!

Me : a little birdie told me something !

I am just going to pretend it came from Max. And I'm not going to say that we know it's Femke he kissed.

Sebastian : hey, what birdie and what was the message?

Me : max told me you were spotted kissing a girl at the party sunday night ;)

Sebastian : he saw that?!

Me : so you admit it happened?

Sebastian : maybe.....

Me : who was it ?

Sebastian : not telling you

Me : ah come on! I even invited you to my party, aren't we besties?

Sebastian : maybe...

Me : besties tell each other everything

Sebastian : okay, so why don't you tell me why Max was annoyed as hell at the party?

Me : because we were fighting. now tell me, who was it and what's going on ?

Sebastian : okay fine

Sebastian : it was Femke, you know, the girl from your team

Me : really ?!

I'm such a great actress.

Sebastian : yeah.. and i don't know what's going on

Me : why'd you kiss her?

Sebastian : what makes you think I kissed her and not the other way around?

Me : because i know her and i know she's not like that

Sebastian : good point

Sebastian : she caught my eye in Germany and then again at your party. i had been thinking about kissing her since your party and i don't know why

Me : AWH SEB, do you like her?

Sebastian : yeah, I think so..

Sebastian : but i don't know what to do about it

Me : you're a big boy, figure it out

Me : like, talk to her, take her out on a date, kiss her again.. that kind of stuff

Sebastian : are you sure she would even want that?

Me : she didn't push you away when you kissed her, did she?

Sebastian : no..

Me : there you go..

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