Chapter 9

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edited : 26-12-2016•

Today is sunday, race day in Monaco. I've been waiting for today ever since wednesday, the last day I saw him. It was quite hard to say bye to him.

Here I am, standing at the airport in front of Max. I can't go past security with him, so we have to say good bye here. His parents or sister aren't here, they said good bye to him at home. His dad will go to Monaco anyway. Max looks at his watch and tells me he has to go now, because it takes a while to get through everything. I nod and take a step towards him. I put my arms around his neck and hug him. He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me as close as possible.

"Will you watch the race and qualifying?" he asks me. I giggle.

"Off course, I'll be cheering for you from the couch" I say. I feel Max laugh slightly. We pull away and he pecks my lips.

"I have something for you" Max then says. I frown. Max takes his backpack from his back and opens it. He takes out a Red Bull Racing hoodie.

"This is actually one of mine, so my scent is on it, so I thought, you'd have something to remind you of me" he says, his cheeks flushing. I grab it and feel tears in my eyes. Not because I'm sad, but because of how cute he's being.

"I love it, thank you so much. I'll wear it everyday" I say. Max smiles brightly and hugs me once again. I kiss his cheek and take a step back from him. I won't let him go if he stays any longer. Max then smiles sadly and turns around and starts walking to security. When he's at the part where I can see him for the last time, he turns around and waves. I wave back and then he's gone.

I've slept in that hoodie every night. Every day after school, I put the hoodie on. I watched qualifying yesterday in the hoodie. Max didn't finish qualifying, because of a crash. I was so worried, but luckily he texted me saying he was fine. He then later texted me that he could start the race, but in the pitline, for not having a normal time set. But the good news is that he can start the race and try his best.

I'm sitting on the couch with my parents and brother. I'm actually wearing my hoodie again. I had to explain where I got it to my brother and he was actually very surprised. At first, he didn't believe me, but my parents told him that it was true. I also showed him little bits of our chats, so he could see I was actually talking to him.

So Max is P21 right now. I wish I could be there in Monaco. It looks amazing there. Maybe next year.

The race is about to start and I feel myself getting nervous. I want Max to do great and I want him to be safe. He crashed yesterday, I don't want that to happen again. I see the lights go on and everyone drives off, Max driving out of the pitline. Everything seems to be going fine.

Until we reach lap 34. I have no idea what happened. It went really fast. But Max crashed. I just feel my heart stop for a second. He seems to be doing fine and get's out of the car okay. My parents both look at me and I just let myself fall back. I don't want to watch the race any further. I grab my phone and quickly text him.

Me : i know you're not going to respond soon, but i just need to know if you're okay! xxx

I see that I have a few other texts.

Masmin gossip squad

Rose <3 : o my god, is Max okay?!

Megan <3 : i just saw that too! do you know anything?

Me : no, i texted him, but i don't think he's gonna respond soon. he looked fine, i hope he is

Jacky <3 : that hoodie isn't helping him much :(

I just lock my phone, not wanting to talk about it any longer. I feel so sad right now. I really hoped he would do good. I hate it when he crashes. Just because it kind of reminds me of everything with Christy, my sister. My phone buzzes and I see Max's name on my screen.

Max : hey, i can't really talk, just wanted to let you know that i'm fine. I'll call you later, don't worry babe :) xx

I sigh in relief.

"Max just texted me, saying he's fine" I say. My parents nod and I hear my brother also sigh in relief.

Masmin gossip squad

Me : Max is fine, he just texted me :)

I close my whatsapp for now and try to focus on the rest of the race. I hoped Ricciardo would win, but Hamilton beat him in the last few laps. Perez is third, which is a surprise. He qualified 8th. But I couldn't care less. I'm just glad Max is alright.

Later that afternoon, I'm just listening to some music in my room, just drawing some random stuff. My phone starts buzzing. Max is calling me. I quickly answer.

"Hey!" I say, all excited.

"Hey, how are you?" he asks. I can hear in his voice that he is sad.

"I'm okay. You're fine though right?" I ask him. I hear a slight chuckle.

"Yes, I'm fine, stop worrying Jas" he says. I nod, but then realize he can't see me.

"Okay, I'm glad you're okay" I say.

"Yeah, me too. I'm kind of pissed at myself, though" he says. Although he just told me that, I kind of smile. I'm glad he feels like he can talk to me about his feelings.

"I can imagine, but don't be to hard on yourself. You'll probaby do great in Canada" I say.

"I hope so. I have a question for you, though"

"I'm listening"

"So I know you have vacation right now for a week and I was wondering if you wanted to stay with me in Monaco for that week" he says. My eyes widen.

"Are you serious?" I ask him. He chuckles. I love the way he laughs. Wait, love?

"Yes, I am, if your parents are okay with it, though. I have an appartment in Monaco" he says.

"I'd have to ask, but I would love to" I say.

"Go ask them and text me the answer. If they say yes, I'll book you a flight and arrange everything" he says. I smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna ask now, I'll text you as soon as possible"

"Okay, talk to you soon, beautiful" he says. I smile at his nickname for me. I like it that he has that nickname for me.

"Talk to you soon" I say and end the call. I run downstairs and my parents look confused when I come running into the livingroom.

"Okay, I need to ask you something. Actually Max needs to ask you something, but he isn't here so I'm going to ask" they look confused as hell, so I just continue.

"Can I stay with Max in Monaco for my vacation week?"

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