Chapter 21

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Edited : 30-12-2016

Christian had given me a Red Bull Racing shirt that I was now wearing. Today was friday, which meant two things ; 1st free practice and my first time working. I'm nervous, but also excited. I was standing at Max's car right now, waiting for my cue to go over to the screens. Max was in his race suit, talking to Marcel about some things.

"Jasmin, are you coming?" I hear Christian ask me. I nod at him and walk over to Max.

"Good luck!" I tell him and kiss his cheek. He turns around and smiles.

"You too, I'll hear you" he says. I giggle and nod. I walk with Christian to the screens. Everyone else is already sitting, ready to go. There are two differences to my seat. The first, it now holds my name. The second is that there are now headphones for me to wear. There's a lady sitting left of me, Emma. I smile at her and introduce myself. She seems lovely and she smiles at me as well. I sit down on my seat and put on my headphones.

"Okay Jasmin, I can talk to everyone induvidual, so if you need to ask something, you can via the red button. You can talk to me about everything. I want to tell you that everything that you say to Max can be used for television, so please don't let people know you are his girlfriend. Max knows this as well. Keep it casual" Christian tells me through the headphones.

"Okay, will do boss" I say and look at him. He shakes his head with a laugh. The timer starts counting down, so that means it started. It takes about 3 minutes before the first cars leave the pitlane. After another 7 minutes, I see both Max and Daniel leave the pit. Before them, Lewis, Nico Rosberg, Sergio Perez, the Manor's, the Renault's and the Williams' already left. I think I also missed some, because there are a lot of cars on the track.

Max is doing his outlap, so I don't see times yet. As soon as he comes over the start line, I see a timer on my screen. Christian nods at me and I check the times. Up until now, Sergio Perez, Valtteri Bottas, Felipe Massa, Kevin Magnussen, Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg have put times down. Nico has the fastest time, with Lewis on second and Bottas on third right now. Vettel put his time down, moving Bottas down.

I look at Max's times in the first two sectors, both yellow, but with not much difference. He crosses the finish line and I see his time. I press the button for Max's radio.

"You've now pushed Vettel down to fourth with a lap time of 1.13.573, Max" I tell him.

"Okay, thank you" he says. I look at the other times coming in, not much changing.

After a few laps, everyone has put in times and Daniel is in front of Max, putting Max on fourth, Daniel on third and the two Ferrari's behind them.

"Okay, Max, box now please" I tell him, wanting him to do long runs, but he needs different tyres for that. I let the team know about the pitstop as well. I look down the pitlane and see them running outside with fresh tyres. Seconds later, Max is in the pitlane and gets his new tyres. As he drives past us, I push the radio button again.

"Okay, time for the long runs Max"

"Copy" he just says. He starts doing the long runs and I watch his times. I can see his lap times. Right now, Daniel, Nico and Lewis are doing the long runs as well so I look at their times. Max is the fastest right now, which makes me happy.

"You're the fastest on the long runs right now Max, you're doing great" I tell him. I look at Christian and he is nodding. I think he can hear everything I say to Max. Next to me, I hear Emma talking to Daniel. Daniel is not doing bad either. I check his lap times and they're only 0.430 seconds behind Max.

"I want to do some qualifying laps before the end of the practice, can I?" Max asks me. I look at the time. 20 minutes left.

"Yeah, box Max" I tell him. I go to the team radio.

"Max is boxing for qualifying laps" I tell him.

"Copy, super softs it is" I hear Marcel answering. Seconds later, the team runs outside and gives Max super soft tyres. I think more drivers are doing the same thing, as some times are getting better than they were. Sebastian just moved Max to fifth as he moved to third.

"Okay, Max, Sebastian moved you down to fifth, you need to be a little quicker than you were before" I tell Max, not wanting Ferrari to beat us, even if it is just the first practice. Max's sector times are great. He even is only 0.231 seconds behind Nico in the second sector. When he crosses the finish line, he pushed even Lewis down to third.

"Max, you just pushed Lewis down to third. Lap time is 1.12.324"

"What is Lewis' time then?"

"1.12.345" I say. Christian looks pleased and gives me a thumbs up. I check other lap times and see that Daniel gets close as well.

In the second to last lap, Lewis beats Max's time again. Daniel beats it as well and Max is back at fourth. The time is up and the flag is out. Max puts down a better time, but stays fourth.

"Great job Max, finished fourth with another practice to go, today" I tell him.

"Thanks Jas" he says. I smile and look at Christian.

"You did great, Jasmin. Keep it up and the job is yours" he says. I smile proudly. I really enjoyed this. Maybe even more than the job I'm supposed to want to do. Everyone puts their headphones down when the drivers are back in the garages. I do the same and walk back to Max's garage. When I walk in, Max has just gotten out of his car. He takes off his helmet and smiles when he sees me. He can't do or say anything though, as Marcel takes him with him, to talk the practice through. Max looks at the screen and sees his last laps, which were great. I see Daniel coming over to me.

"How was it?" he asks with a grin.

"It was great, actually. Really enjoyed myself" I tell him. Just when I said that, I feel hands on my shoulders.

"She did do great, was really onto me" Max says and kisses my cheek from behind me. Daniel smiles at me.

"Did Christian say anything about it?" Max asks me. I look at him with a big smile.

"He said that if I kept it up, the job is mine" I say. Max and Daniel high five each other.

"We'd love to have you on our team, Jas" Daniel says. I smile at him before he walks back to his team. Max moves to the front of me and sits down.

"How'd go for you?" I ask him.

"Yeah, quiet good, room for some improvements, but I think the weekend is going to be great. Can't wait for qualifying tomorrow and how you're going to push me" he says with a smirk.

"Oh, I'm going to make your life a living hell" I say, trying to sound mean, but Max just laughs. Yeah, thought I sounded weird.

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