Chapter 58

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We board the plane soon after getting an upgrade. We sit down on our new seats and Max puts our carry on luggage in the overhead compartments. I sit down next to the window. Max sits down next to me and kisses my cheek.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No, I think it'll be fine" he says to me. I nod and look around the plane. There are only 3 rows in business class. Usually, only business people sit here, but now, we sit here as well. It's weird to sit here. Normally, you just walk past this.

"Would you like something to drink?" a flight attendant asks us. She smiles at both of us.

"I would like an orange juice, please" Max tells her and she nods, then looks at me.

"And for me a water, please" she nods again and walks away. A minute later, she comes back with our drinks. We thank her and she just smiles, before walking off. Max takes out his phone and takes a picture of us. He then posts it onto social media.

maxverstappen1 : ready for take off with my beautiful girlfriend! <3 Again, thank you so much for this! redbullracing

I like his picture and post the same on Instagram, with a caption that's close to Max's.


An hour later, we're up in the air and flight attendants are asking us about what we want to eat. Apparently, when you are in BC, you get a menu and get to pick your food. Very, very weird, but really great. Max and I both pick the ceaser salad and the pasta with chicken. Another half an hour later and the food comes. We start eating, while we talk about the race.

"By the way, we could ask Daniel and Victoria for another double date" I tell Max. He smiles and nods.

"Or, a triple date, with Seb and Femke" Max says. I frown.

"Yeah, but they have their first date tonight" I say and Max smirks. I get really curious now. He looks at me and chuckles.

"Sebastian might have told me that he's going to ask Femke to be his girlfriend, so maybe we could go out with them on Friday night" Max says. My eyes widen.

"You can't tell Femke, though" he quickly says, seeing my face. I nod slowly. I mean, I know I can't tell her. But I really want too.


After a long ass flight, we finally arrive in Austin. Someone from Red Bull will pick us up. I quickly go to the toilet before we leave to the hotel. Max told me he'd go find the driver. I quickly make my way into a stall and within a few minutes, I'm back out. I walk outside and quickly find Max. He's in front, talking to the driver. He has changed into Red Bull gear, as we had too, before stepping outside in Austin. I am too wearing my RB outfit.

I quickly grab my phone and snap a picture of Max. Just when I click, Max looks up and smiles. I make my way over to the car and get in the backseat. Max turns around in his seat and grins at me. He starts talking to the RB driver, while we pull away from the airport. I quicky post my picture on Instagram.

jasminxo : isn't he handsome ? Austin, we have arrived! Excited for the weekend :D maxverstappen1 redbullracing #keeppushing #USGP

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jasminxo : isn't he handsome ? Austin, we have arrived! Excited for the weekend :D maxverstappen1 redbullracing #keeppushing #USGP

The drive to the hotel is not that long, luckily. After the flight, I don't really feel like sitting in a car for a long time.

We have a quick meeting with the team in the hotel, before we're free to go. Max and I walk into the hotel, Max carrying our suitcase. I am dragging my bag along with me, which is getting heavier with the minute.

Max walks towards the meeting room. He puts the suitcase to the side and people start to notice us and smile. We walk over to Christian, who is smiling kindly at us, as usual. Max greets him first, before he gives me a hug.

"Thank you again for the upgrade, Christian. It was amazing" I tell him and he smiles even brighter.

"I'm glad. How are you feeling?" he asks me, getting a concerned look on his face.

"I'm alright. I feel like needing rest, though" I say with a smile. He nods and tells me that luckily, I can in a few moments. Max takes me to greet Daniel now. He is standing in the corner, talking to Femke, both of them smiling. Femke notices us first and she smiles brightly. Daniel's famous grin is shown when he spots us as well. I walk over to Femke first and hug her, while Max greets Daniel.

"Hey Jassy" Daniel says when I hug him. I shake my head.

"Hey Dan" I say to him. Daniel starts moaning about his flight and that he is tired. I just shake my head, knowing Max and I, aren't that tired. Obviously we are a bit tired, but not that exhausted as others. Moments later, Christian does his talk, obviously saying the usual stuff.

"And lastly, something that needs to be discussed is the 2017 season" he starts and I look at Max and then to Daniel, both boys getting a nervous look in their eyes. Christian starts smiling though.

"I am proud and happy to tell you that both Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen will be driving with us in 2017. With them driving with us, the team will also be with us in 2017, if everyone wants to stay" my eyes widen and I start smiling. I'll be working for Red Bull in 2017. Max turns around and lifts me up, carefull not to hurt me though. I giggle and smile at him. When he puts me back on the ground, he kisses me quickly.

"I'd like to ask Daniel, Max and Jasmin here, please" Christian says. Max takes my hand and together with Daniel, we walk towards the middle of the room. Daniel, Max and I hug Christian.

"First things first, boys. We are really proud of what you've done this season so far. With Max winning his first Grand Prix in his first race with us and Daniel, you winning another race since 2014. It's been amazing and without a doubt, you are the best we can have. And Jasmin, you have helped us, a lot. Your input has helped Max be better and you even helped Daniel get better. I want to thank you for what you've done for us yet. I hope 2017 will be even better" Christian tells us. I smile and fight my tears. Tears of joy, off course. I'm really glad I made my decision, back when I decided to take the job for Red Bull. And when I look to my right, to the Dutch Formula 1 driver who is standing next to me, I know that that wasn't my only good decision.


Helloo :) I know that picture of Max was taking in Japan, but I wanted to use it for this chapter! Also, I know that it won't go like it went here, with the RB meeting and all, but just bare with me, please :)

Hope you like this chapter :D xxxxx <3

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