Chapter 18

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Edited : 28-12-2016

Iwant to turn around, but I can't. I'm pressed against a body and it's holding me tight in position. I slowly open my eyes. I smile when the first thing I see is Max's face. His eyes are closed and he is breathing slowly. He has a small smile on his lips. Kissable lips.

His arm is tight around me, holding me against him. We're both on our sides, facing each other. Max hates sleeping on his back, so we usually cuddle like this. The other option is my back pressed against his chest. But this feels so much more personal. Like, I can look at him without having any trouble.

And that's exactly what I'm doing right now, looking at him. He looks so rested, so peacefull. Like nothing is going on right now, not a care in the world. Just, a slow pace for a change. He is used to speed, but with us, everything is in a peacefull pace. And maybe that's good for him. He looks stressfree and that's exactly what I want for him.

After the whole drama yesterday, we had a fun night. We danced, Max met some more of my family and we had laughs. He was having a good time and I liked that. He was joking around with some uncles and nephew's. While I was dancing with some of Kelly's friends and some other family members, Max was with two of my nephews, who are 16 and 20. He fitted right in.

"I know you're staring at me" A voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I focus on Max and see his smile growing, but his eyes stay closed.

"I don't know what you're talking about" is my answer. I smile myself, but my eyes are open. Max's smile is bright now.

"Hm, if I'd open my eyes right now, I'd see your eyes focused on my face, won't they?" Max's eyes stay closed during this sentence. I try to hide my smile that he is causing.

"They might. Maybe you should find out" I say. Max chuckles and I see his eyes, very slowly, opening.

"Good morning, beautiful" he says. I still blush, everytime he uses that name. As on cue, Max's phone buzzes. I groan and push my head against his chest. I feel him laughing.

"It's probably Daniel" Max says. I frown.

"Why would it be Daniel?" I ask him. I move my head away from his chest to look at him.

"Because Daniel is taking his girlfriend to Amsterdam today" Max says. My eyes widen at the word 'girlfriend'. Max's eyes widen at my eyes widening.

"I forgot to tell you that, didn't I?" he asks slowly. I just giggle at him. And here I was thinking he was stress free.

"Yeah, but that's okay, tell me about it now" I say. Max nods and lays down on his back. He moves his arm up and looks at me. I smile. I move a bit up and lay my head down on his chest.

"So, Daniel met this girl who was on vacation in Monaco with her friends. When Dan had some time off from racing that weekend, he met her and they got talking. He instantly fell for her, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to be with someone like him. It wasn't his personality, more his job. She wants to be with someone who can be there for her, every second of the day. I don't know how, but Daniel convinced her to go on a date with him the week after the race. She fell for his personality and decided to give it a chance. They've been dating ever since and he wants to show her parts of the world he doesn't go to often either, so I suggested he'd come here and we could maybe meet up" Max explains.

"So, if you want to, we could go on a double date with them today" Max finishes his whole talk. I look up at him with a smile.

"Off course, I'd love too" I say. Max nods and grabs his phone. Max lets me read with him.

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