Chapter 10

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•edited : 26-12-2016•

jasminxo : on my way to MONACO!!! #soexcited

I'm walking at the arrival hall of the airport in France. I have to take a boat to Monaco now. Max told me exactly where to go and what to do. I keep on re-reading everything he said, because I'm scared to get lost. I've never been lost before, but for some reason, I'm always scared to be.

I still can't believe my parents agreed to let me stay with Max. It's monday now and I'm leaving sunday morning to go back home.

"Stay with him? For a week?" my mum repeats part of my question. I nod slowly. She looks at my dad. He looks like he's really thinking about this.

"What about schoolwork ? You have exams soon" he says.

"I'll take some with me, so I can study there when Max is training" I say. My mum looks at my dad. I know they're both scared that something will happen to me. After losing a child, you get more carefull and I understand that.

"His dad and sister will come on friday I believe, for the weekend" I say. Maybe that'll help. My dad looks at my mum now and they nod at each other, meaning they understand each other.

"Just, please be carefull. And don't do stupid things. And don't let him do stupid things" my dad says. My eyes widen.

"You can go" my mum says. I hug them both tight and thank them a thousand times.

I also promised to text them atleast once a day.

After getting my suitcase, I walk outside and take a cap to a harbor Max told me to go. The driver nods and starts driving.

The boat arrives in Monaco and I get all excited. It looks beautiful here. I can't believe that I'm here. I just look everywhere. But I'm also looking to see if I can see Max anywhere. I decide to just text him.

Me : hey! i arrived, are you here ? xx

After only a few minutes, I get a reply.

Max : i am! just walk towards the parking lot, i'll be watching out for you xxx

I smile. The boat lays still and everyone gets of board. I grab my suitcase and get off the ship. I follow the signs to the car park, which takes quite a while to get there. And I'm walking with a stupid suitcase. And I'm tiny. Not my greatest moment. I probably look so stupid.

But luckily, I reach the car park. I look around, but I have no idea in what car Max drives, so I hope he is nice enough to get out. And just as I think that, a car door opens, right in front of me. I see a familiar Red Bull Racing cap. I smile and walk a bit faster. Max walks towards me. When he is close enough, I let go of my suitcase and put my arms around his neck. He hugs me tight while lifting me slightly from the ground. I giggle as he spins me around. He chuckles and puts me down.

"You made it" he says while smiling bright. I nod and smile back at him. He looks around before kissing me quickly. I frown at him when he pulls away.

"Why did you look around?" I ask him. He takes my suitcase and puts it in his car.

"Because I don't want people or the media stalking you. They can be a bit much" he says. I smile at him. Max opens the car door for me and I get in. He walks to the driver side and starts the car.

It takes about 20 minutes to get to his appartment. Max parks his car and gets out. I slowly get out as well. He grabs my suitcase again and then locks his car. We walk into the building and Max presses the lift button. It comes soon and he presses the number 8. We're not really talking right now, just mainly staring at each other. The lift reaches the 8th floor, Max's floor. We get out and he walks to an appartment. Number 33. I look at him and giggle. Max blushes and opens the door. He lets me go in first and he follows, closing the door behind him. Before walking any further, I take my shoes off first, something that's a habit. I always do that when I get home. Max smiles at my action and follows it. He then takes my suitcase with him and I follow him. We first enter the livingroom, which has a big couch and some chairs surrounding a coffee table. On the wall is a TV. Underneath the table is a carpet thing. It looks nice. At the back of the livingroom is a diner table with 6 chairs. I walk past it and into the kitchen. It's black with white. I love it.

"I saw that you drank Fanta on our first date, so I bought that. I also bought some chips, chocolate and that wine we had on the beach" Max says. I look at him and smile. He is so cute.

"And I was thinking that I could cook for us tonight" he says.

"Really ? What are you going to make?" I ask him.

"What about Lasagna?" he asks. I get excited. I love that so much. I nod my head really fast. Max chuckles. He then grabs my suitcase and walks to a door at the other side of the livingroom. I follow him. He opens the door and there is a big bedroom.

"I don't know if you want to sleep here, with me, or in the guestroom" Max says, while his cheeks slightly flush.

"I would actually just sleep here, if that's okay with you" I say, my cheeks getting the same colour as Max's. Max smiles and nods.

"Off course" he says. I smile and put my bag down. He points to a door.

"That's the bathroom" he says. I nod and walk towards it. I open the door and I'm greeted by a beautiful looking bathroom. It has a bath and a shower and two sinks. I don't even know why he would need two, but I don't care.

"I made space in my closet for you" Max says. I smile.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm only staying a week" I say.

"Yeah, but still. It's better than living from your suitcase" he says and opens the closet for me. There is indeed quite a big space for me.

I just start unpacking my suitcase while Max watches me.

"Did you really bring sports clothing?" Max asks when I put my sporting clothes away. I nod, blushing.

"I thought, just in case you'd want someone to train with. I don't even know why I did it" I say. I turn around to the closet, but my body is being turned back around by Max.

"I think it's very cute that you did that and I'd love someone to train with" he says. I smile, my blush still there. His head moves down and soon, his lips are on mine.

Grand Prix Of Love - Max VerstappenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora