Chapter 43

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Sitting in a restaurant with my parents, Max Verstappen, Daniel Ricciardo and Lewis Hamilton was something I could only dream about, thinking it would never happen. But here I am, sitting in a restaurant with my parents, Max, Daniel and Lewis. We're waiting for my brother and his girlfriend to join us as well. When they're here, we'll be complete.

To say people are shocked, surprised and excited about seeing 3 Formula 1 drivers is an understatement. My parents have known the owner and employees of this restaurant for quite some time now, so when we walked in and were joined by them, they immediately gave us a table in the back of the restaurant. Max, Daniel and Lewis gave those who wanted an autograph as a thank you.

Me and Max are sitting in the middle with Daniel next to Max and Lewis next to me on one side and my parents, brother and his girlfriend are on the other side of the table. We order something to drink, with my mum, dad, Jane, my brother's girlfriend, and me ordering white wine. Max, Daniel, Lewis and my brother ordered beer. My brother was shocked to find out that not one, not two but three drivers would be joining us, but he was happy. He introduced himself to Lewis with a smile, which Lewis returned.

"I'm getting jealous of your friends, Jas" my brother comments after we also ordered food. I just smile.

"I would be too if I was you" I say and that earns some chuckles.

"Not to be a total fan or something, but I can't sit here and not ask about racing" he starts and the three boys just smile, politely. I just want to smack my brother, it's their vacation.

"What do you think of your chances in Belgium?" my brother asks.

"Well, I don't know. I have to take a grid penalty, so I'll be starting from the back, but in the past I've been able to push, so I hope it will happen again" Lewis says, starting off. He then takes a zip from his beer.

"I am very excited, as it's my home race. I know a lot of Dutch fans are coming and that makes it even better. I can't wait to see a sea of orange. I think I have some chances with one Mercedes out of the way" Max says and laughs a bit, earning a laugh from Lewis as well.

"I think we both have some chances. I hope for Max that he has a great race, but it won't stop me from giving everything I have to push to the limit" Daniel answers and takes a bigger zip from his beer now as well. My parents just try to distract my brother from asking further questions after me giving him my best death glare.

It soon turns into normal conversations between all of us. We're talking while eating.

"So when is the party going to be?" Jane asks while taking a bite of her steak.

"This weekend. The other drivers will be arriving saturday afternoon and will leave the day after, while we have our party" I say. Jane nods and she is desperatly trying to find something else to ask. We don't have the best relationship, mostly because I find her annoying. I never told her, but we both know that it's not really working out.

"Are all the drivers coming?" she then asks. I nod.

"They're supposed to yeah, but I'm not sure if they'll all be able to make it" I say and she nods once again. This time, she gives up questioning me. I know Max, Daniel and Lewis have a surprise for my parents, as they told them they were going to pay for dinner and the boys couldn't just let that slip. So after the main course, my mum, dad, Daniel and I order coffee, while Max, Lewis, Jane and my brother order ice cream. When that had arrived, the three boys looked at each other and all nod.

"So, Daniel, Lewis and I want to give you all something" Max starts, getting the attention of everyone at the table. They look at the three boys and at me, but I shrugg, not having anything to do with it.

"We wanted to do something in return for this amazing dinner" Lewis continues, while smiling bright. The boys all love food and in their break they can eat more and less healthy for a couple of weeks.

"We hope that it is something that you're all excited about, but Jasmin informed us that you will love it" Daniel finishes. Max grabs it out of his jacket and hands each of them an envelop. They all open it at the same time and I start smiling bright when I see their reactions. They all hold their present up in the air, to watch it. In their hands are V.I.P weekend passes for the Belgium Grand Prix in Spa-Francorchamps, the next race. For a moment, they're all speeceless, which makes Max, Daniel and Lewis grin wide. My mum then manages to stand up and attack the first she finds, which happens to be Lewis. He doesn't mind though. He hugs my mum and laughs at her reaction. My mum then hugs Max and lastly Daniel. My dad, brother and Jane follow my mum's actions and hug the boys as well. My dad lingering with Max, saying how gratefull he is for this. I know he has always wanted to go there and now they get to come with me to work and watch the race.

"You will leave with my on the thursday before the race and I'll be able to give you a tour through the garages. I even get to show you the Mercedes garages, as Lewis is part of the present. But the rest will be explained at the circuit on thursday" I say. I won't be travelling with Max this time. He is going with his dad and sister. I'm already excited for the weekend though. And that might even be an understatement.

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