Chapter 31

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Edited : 13-01-2017

"Hey guys and welcome to another vlog! It's thursday right now, so that means going to the next track! I am expected to arrive in Hungary later this afternoon. I just finished packing and I'll be on my way to the airport in a few minutes! I'll take you guys on the flight and I'll ask Christian later if I can vlog during the briefing! So, let's go to Hungary!" I yell into the camera and turn it off. I grab my suitcase and car keys and put my bag over my shoulder. I move towards the door before hugging my parents. I get in my car and drive towards the airport.

After having done everything I need to do, I'm sitting at the gate in my Red Bull shirt with my coffee. I grab the camera and turn it on.

"So, I'm now waiting at the gate to board. Some people have been staring at me, looking at my outfit. I am wearing my red bull shirt, so they are probably wondering if I'm a crazy fan or an employee. Anyway, I got myself some Starbucks and I'm ready for the flight. As I have to wait a while, I thought I'd talk you through what I have to do today and the rest of the weekend. Many people who follow Formula 1 know what Max and the other drivers have to do, but for those who don't know, I'll tell that as well. So Max will fly from England to Hungary, but I believe he is already there now. They have the private driver briefing and they are walking the track. They also might talk with their enigneers about the tyre picks and all that, but that's about it for today. Tomorrow Max has two free practice sessions and some interviews to do. And then saturday is the last free practice and qualifying, along with more interviews. He has a post qualifying interview and after that, he is done for the day. Then sunday more interviews and the race. Now, my planning is a little bit different. When I arrive at the track later today, I have a briefing with Christian about the track and things I should focus on. We go through Max's last race and qualifying and look for things that can go better to focus on. After that, I'm off for the day, but I might just go and sit down at the screens, going through some things today alone. I might vlog that as well, so you guys can see what I see. Then tomorrow, I just go along with Max to the track and as he talks with his engineers, I go over things one last time, before I put on my head phones and free practice starts. I do what I have to do with both practice sessions and then I'm off. Saturday I go to the track to get ready for qualifying. I'll go over practice sessions and help Max through his last session before qualifying starts and the same goes for Sunday. Just going over some stuff and then helping Max as much as possible. I don't have interviews unless Max drags me along to one. Anyway, that's my planning for this weekend and I'm super excited!" I finish my talk and turn the camera away. I look up and see a girl, who looks about 14 years old, looking at me. I smile at her.

"Hi there" I say. She starts giggling.

"Hi, are you Jasmin?" she asks me. I nod with a smile.

"I love your vlogs a lot! I love watching you on TV as well when Max drives a race" she says. I smile at her and feel myself blushing. I've never been good with compliments and I'm still not good with them.

"Thank you sweetie! Are you going to the race this weekend?" I ask her. She nods with a big smile and shows me her passes that are hanging around her neck.

"Awesome! Do you want to be in the vlog?" I ask her. She nods frantically and I giggle at her. I grab my camera once again and turn it on.

"So, I just met the nicest girl, say hi!" I turn the camera to her and she waves.

"Tell them where you're going. Or more importantly, tell Max where you're going!" I tell her. She starts smiling even brighter at the mention of Max's name.

"I'm going to the race this weekend!" she says, all excited. I laugh and turn the camera to me.

"Do you hear that Max ? She is going to support you!" I say and turn the camera back to her. She starts giggling and blushing. I turn the camera off.

"Thank you for being so nice" she suddenly says. I smile at her.

"Thank you for being even nicer, sweetie. I never expected someone to recognize me" I tell her. She sits down next to me after asking if she could.

"I think normal people won't, because they watch Formula 1 for the drivers, but since the first time I saw you on Max's Instagram, I tried to pay attention to you as well. Max seems so affected by you and when I heard your voice on TV, through the team radio, I did some research and figured out you were hired for Red Bull, so I started recognizing you on TV and you just sit here with you RB shirt, so it's quite easy for me" she says. My eyes widen at what she just said.

"I'm impressed. What is your name?" I ask her.

"Jamie, could you maybe follow me on Instagram?" she asks. I nod and grab my phone. I open my Instagram and let her type her username in. I follow her and she squeels when she gets the notification.

"Where do you have seats?" I ask her. She looks down a bit sad.

"We have standing positions, because my parents couldn't afford plane tickets and seat tickets" I nod and smile slightly.

"But you're going the entire weekend?" her smile grows and she nods.

"That's great! What is your plane seat?" I ask her. It would be nice if I didn't sit next to a complete stranger, but what are the odds.

"14B, my dad is next to me and my mum is on the other 14 row next to my brother" she says.

"I'm on 14E" I say, which means I'm sitting next to her family, which is good.

"I'll ask my brother to switch!" she says and smiles. I nod and smile back at her.

"I'm going to my parents now, I'll see you on the plane" she says and heads off. I grab my phone the minute she is gone. I open a text to Max.

Me : do we have 4 VIP tickets left?

Max <3 : uh, well, we both didn't take anyone with us this weekend, so yeah, why ?

Me : i just met the cutest girl! she said the nicest things about me, how she recognized me from being with you and working for the team and she is going to the race and stuff, but she has standing positions and I thought I'd make sure she has nicer seats and maybe she could meet you then

Max <3 : that sounds awesome! You have yours with you, right?

We get to carry around 2 passes if we don't take anyone, new rules by Christian.

Me : yeah, I'll tell her to meet me tonight at the hotel or something, so I can give them all the tickets at the same time, I'll make up a nice excuse for them to meet me

Max <3 : okay babe, I'll see you soon! have a safe flight! <3 xxxx

I put my phone away and smile to myself. I get to make a girl really happy and that makes me happy. I grab my camera and turn it on.

"Okay, so you just saw the girl I met. She told me the sweetest things and I have an amazing surprise for her. I'll make sure to bring the camera when I tell her later on! I'm about to board to plane, so I'll see you when I'm in Hungary!" I turn off the camera, just as we're allowed to board.


2 hours later and we're about to land in Hungary. Jamie switched with her brother and I've been talking with her and her mum the entire flight. They were interested in how I met Max, and how I got to work for Red Bull. I told them the whole story and they were genuinely listening.

"By the way, do you think you all could meet me tonight at my hotel ? I would like to take you out for a drink after my work day" I tell Jamie and her mum. Jamie looks at her mum with big eyes and her mum laughs.

"Off course, where is your hotel?" her mum asks.

"5 minutes away from the track, here is the address" I had already written it down and hand the piece of paper to her mum who puts it in her pocket.

"So, I was thinking around 8?" I ask her and she nods. I smile and look out the window as we touch down.

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