Chapter 7

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edited : 26-12-2016•

Max parks his car at a beach. It's may, it's warm, but no beach weather. I'm not prepared for the beach. I look at Max, confused. He laughs and my confused expression.

"Patience Jas" he says. I just nod and try to stop worrying. Max gets out of the car and I get out as well. I grab my bag and close the car door. Max is grabbing something from the trunk. When he walks over to me, I see a basket in his hands and some pillows. I frown, but I also get a smile on my face. With his free hand, Max grabs mine and he leads me towards the beach. Before walking onto the sand, Max takes off his shoes and I follow his actions. Walking on heels in sand, not such a good idea. We walk onto the sand and I just follow Max.

I have always loved the feeling of bare feet on the sand. So I'm already enjoying this.
By now, it's actually already 5 P.M.

Max stops walking and puts everything down. I let my shoes fall in the sand. Max takes out a blanket and I help him put it down. He puts down some pillows and we both sit down. Now I really regret putting on a skirt. Max opens the basket and takes out a bottle of wine. I frown.
Max chuckles.

"I brought sparkling water for myself, as I have to drive" he says. I nod and giggle. He grabs two wine glasses, fills one with the wine and one with water. He hands me the wine and looks at me. We toast and take a sip. The wine is amazing. It's in between dry and sweet, just what I like.

We talk about some light subjects and make jokes about a lot of things

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We talk about some light subjects and make jokes about a lot of things. But at one point, Max gets a serious look on his face.

"Can I ask you something?" he asks. I nod slowly, not knowing what to expect.

"Did something happen to your family ? Because wednesday you were really on about accidents and the way your mum told us to be carefull, it just seemed like something happened. If it did, you don't have to tell me, or maybe nothing even happened" Max says. I take a deep breath. Why wait with telling. I quickly take a zip from my wine and put the glass down.

"Something did happen and I don't mind telling you. So I told you I have an older brother. I had a sister too. My sister was a soccer player. She was really good as well. A couple of years ago, my dad drove her to a game. My sister was 16 at that point and I was 14. She played the game and they won, with my sister scoring 4 goals out of 5. My dad drove her home that day as well, obviously. She was so excited that she couldn't sit still. She wanted to call my mum about it, but realised her phone was in the back. She tried to grab it, but accidently hit my dad with her foot while grabbing it. My dad was hurt, so he grabbed the place my sister hit him and then lost control of the car. The car got of the road and hit a tree, after rolling over once. Because my sister wasn't wearing her seatbelt, she was flown out of the car, instantly dead. My dad was in the hospital for about a month, with bleedings everywhere and a broken foot. His foot still isn't healed properly and he can't run anymore. Walking is okay though. But after that, losing my sister, my parents got stuck in a kind of depression. My brother was old enough to move out and he did as soon as he could. That was after a year. That woke my parents up. They got out of the depression and they were starting to be happy again. They weren't happy when I told them I wanted to get my driver's license. But they let me anyway. But now everytime I leave with a car, they're scared I'm not going to come back" I finish the story. Max has so many emotions on his face and I don't even wanna know what I look like right now. When I look at Max, he looks scared, angry, shocked and sad. I look down at my hands when I feel a tear rolling down my cheek.

Max puts two fingers under my chin and lifts it up. I look at him, trying to hold in the tears. I always make it through the story, but after that, that's when the tears come.

"It's okay to cry" Max says, his voice small. I shake my head and try to look down again, but Max won't let me.

"Don't look away" he says.

"I don't want you to see me cry" I mumble.

"Why not?" he asks. I look at him.

"Because that isn't really a great thing on a date and I look awfull while crying" I say. Max smiles slightly and I'm confused why.

"I think you're beautiful" he says. I smile through my tears and I feel my cheeks heating up.

"I told you not to say those things. I hate blushing" I hear Max chuckle. His hand leaves my chin and is placed on my cheek. I look into Max's eyes and he rubs his thumb over my cheek.

"I don't want you to be affraid to cry in front of me. Please don't even be affraid to show your emotions in front of me, or to tell me things. I want to be here for you, I want to be the one that makes you laugh through your tears" he says.

"I'm sorry I made you cry" he says.

"What? You didn't make me cry" I say. Max whipes my tears away.

"I made you tell that story, I didn't know it was going to turn out like this" he says, looking down himself now.

"Hey, I should be sorry, for ruining the date" I say. Max looks up at me shaking his head.

"You didn't ruin the date" he says. I nod slowly and smile. The tears have stopped and Max and I are sitting dangerously close.

"Can I ask you something else?" Oh my god, I'm worried. I nod slowly.

"I don't wanna go to fast, but can I kiss you?" he asks. Butterflies explode in my stomach, but that also might be my nerves. No, this isn't my first kiss, I've had boyfriends. But they never meant that much to me like Max already does. Max looks at me with a nervous look in his eyes. I just nod slowly, not wanting to speak. Max gets a small smile on his face. His hand is still on my cheek. He leans forward and closes his eyes. I follow his action and I soon feel his lips on mine.

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