Chapter 89

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I am finally done with curling my hair. I put some hairspray in it, making sure it will stick. My make up is already done, so now I am fully ready. I am wearing a red dress with black heels.

Max comes out of the bathroom after doing his hair. He is wearing black pants and a white button up shirt. His hair is gelled to perfection and he is wearing my favorite aftershave.

"You look incredible, baby" Max tells me. Max has a new nickname for me. Instead of calling me beautiful, he moved to baby, which I don't mind at all.

"Thank you, you look very handsome yourself, sweet" I say back. Max smiles at me.

"New nickname?" Max asks, putting his hands on my hips.

"Yes, do you like it?" I ask him. Max smirks and nods his head, pressing his lips against mine. I put my arms around his neck, smiling against his lips. He slowly pulls away.

"Let's get going, I want presents" Max says, making me laugh. I walk after him, out of our room and down the stairs.

Daniel, Evy, Joe and Grace are already sitting on the couch, waiting for us. Evy is wearing a silver dress, with black heels as well. Her hair is put up in a bun.

"Ah, there you are. Jasmin, you look beautiful" Grace tells me. I smile at her, thanking her as well. Max and I sit down now as well.

"Okay, who wants to start?" Joe asks. Daniel stands up and looks at me.

"This present is not wrapped, because that would've been a pain. But I promised you this a while ago and never actually gave it, so yeah" Daniel tells me. He walks to the back of the tree and pulls out a gift. My eyes widen when I see it.

"Your Japanse GP trophy" I whisper, as Daniel grins. He puts it down in front of me. I stand up and put my arms around his neck.

"Thank you so much" I tell him. He just nods. We pull away from each other and sit back down.

Joe stands up and grabs a gift, handing it to Evy. She smiles and unwraps the gift. It reveals a Urban Decay Naked pallete. Her eyes widen and she looks at Daniel's parents.

"You did not have to get me such an expensive gift!" she says, but hugs them.

"Alright, what about not giving each other hugs until the end, other wise it takes twice as long" Daniel says. We all agree, as Max hands Daniel a gift. I smirk, knowing what it is. Daniel unwraps it and starts laughing. It's a Red Bull Racing hoodie with the number 33 and the name Verstappen on the back. Daniel immediately grabs a gift and hands it to Max. He already starts laughing as he unwraps it. It's again a Red Bull Racing hoodie, but this time with the number 3 and the name Ricciardo om the back. Everyone laughs at the two of them, having had the same thought.

I then hand Daniel a gift as well. He unwraps it and smiles. He holds up a picture of Max and me in a frame.

"So you can look at your best friends whenever we aren't with you" I say, making him laugh. Max then hands me a gift. I slowly open it, feeling nervous about it. I smile brightly when I see what it is. It is a big canvas, with lots of small pictures on it. There are pictures of Max and me together, of me with Daniel, me and Rose, me and Femke, me with Victoria, me with the team and me with Rose, Jacky and Megan. There are tiny pictures of Max on there as well, which makes him blush. I quickly kiss his cheek. I hand Max a gift as well, which is a parfume by Calvin Klein that he really wanted.

Daniel hands me a slightly bigger gift. I open it and it reveals a bag, from Calvin Klein actually.

"There is something in there" Daniel says, while smirking. I giggle and open the bag. I start laughing as I hold up yet another Red Bull Racing hoodie, with Verstappen 33 on it.

"I love it, thanks Dan" I say and he just smiles. I hand Daniel a gift as well, wanting to keep my last gift for Max. Daniel opens it and his eyes widen when he sees the box.

"You didn't" he just says, opening the box. It is a Michael Kors watch, one that he really wanted. I just smile at his reaction. His eyes are wide and he shows everyone once it's on his wrist.

"This is amazing, thank you Jassy" Daniel says, staring at his wrist. Daniel then gives Max a gift. It reveals the same sneakers I have, the white with black stripes Adidas Superstars. Max smiles brightly, looking at me.

"We can match, babe!" he says, all excited. I giggle and nod. Daniel gives Evy a small box, which holds a necklace with a D. She immediately puts it on. I then hand Max my last gift for him, smiling. He opens it and his eyes widen. It's a Buddha to Buddha bracelet, one that Max had wanted to a long time, but never had the time to buy it.

"I let my mum buy it, because I didn't know where to buy it in England or Monaco. I hope it's the right size" I say. Max just kisses me quickly, before trying it on. It fits, luckily.

"This is so weird, though" Max says as he hands me his last gift for me. After this one, we only have a gift for Daniel and Evy. 2 actually.

I open the gift and it reveals a box, without anything on it.

"Before you open the box, I found it really hard finding the perfect gift. I searched online and found a site. I wanted something personal for you" Max says. I nod and open the box. It reveals a bracelet, a charm bracelet. When I look at the charms, I tear up.

"Okay, let me explain all the charms" Max says, putting the bracelet on my wrist. He turns it, grabbing the first charm.

"A RB12 car, as it's the car Daniel and I have driven this season. A steeringwheel, because that's where my radio button is. A tyre, for all the times you told me to box and switch tyres. DR3, for your best friend Daniel. RBR, for Red Bull Racing. 33, as it's my racing number. MV for my initials. Circuit de Catalunya, as it's where we met. And a heart. I like to think it's my heart, because you have it" Max says, finishing explaining the charms. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, as Max whipes it away.

"Screw the rules" I say and throw my arms around him. Max holds me close, as I feel more tears roll down.

"I love this so much, thank you, really. This is the best gift I've ever had" I tell Max. Max pulls away from the hug and kisses me.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I tell him back. He smiles and puts his arm around me. I whipe away the remaining of my tears.

"Well, this last two gifts are from both Max and me and it's for the both of you" I say to Daniel and Evy. They look really curious as Max and I take out the two envelops. I hand mine first, to Evy. She opens it and looks very confused.

"2 tickets to SeaWorld?" she asks, looking confused. Daniel though, seems to find the reason why.

"You didn't" he starts. Evy never was at my party, so she has no idea what Max and I are doing after New Years Eve.

Max then hands Daniel the other envelop, as he opens it immediately. It reveals the two plane tickets we got them.

"You are letting us come to Orlando?!" Daniel asks, seeing the destination on the tickets. Daniel's parents start smiling as well. Evy, now seems to understand as well.

"Yeah. For a week. You arrive in our second week" I say. Daniel jumps onto Max as Evy hugs me. I giggle at their reaction, but it's the exact reaction we had expected.

"We have tickets for the Sebastian and Femke, Carlos and Joelle, Lewis and his new girlfriend, and for Rose and Marcel" Max says, smiling at Daniel. He is just excited about everything. And all I can do is stare at my bracelet.


Part 1 of the Christmas day! Hope you guys enjoyed this! I hope to get the second part up either tonight or tomorrow. There is a chance I can't get it up, as it's almost Christmas and my boyfriend is coming over tomorrow.

It might take me a while before I upload another chapter. After Christmas, I have to go home with my boyfriend, as we have a funeral of his grandma 2 days after Christmas. I don't think I'm able to write, but you never know with me!

So if this is the last chapter, I wish you all a very merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a nice time and eats enough!

xxxxxxxx <3

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