Chapter 60

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We luckily quite quickly arrive back at track. People are moving around the garage to try and fix Max's car. Max's face falls when he sees his car. I grab Max's hand and squeeze it. He seems to be walking fine, so that's a good thing. People all around the garage, now notice us and everyone moves to Max. He smiles at everyone and tells each off them that he's alright and that he can drive if the car will make it. He's being told that people are working very hard to make his car all good again.

Max is told to get rest, so after I get the clear that I'm not needed at the track, I take him back to our hotel. Max lets himself fall onto the bed and is soon, fast asleep.


It's time for Qualifying. Luckily, they fixed Max's car and he can drive it. The last practice session went alright, he did fine and didn't once make a mistake. He said that the car felt good, which is also really positive.

I'm nervous, though. Max is needing to really push himself and the car now. Max has told me that it will be alright, but I'm still scared. And I think people have noticed. Christian, Marcel, Femke and Victoria have all told me it will be fine. I just smiled and nodded, not wanting to explain my feelings.

But now it's time. Q1 starts and cars pull out of the garages. I can see both Red Bulls going out.

"Show time" Marcel says and Max leaves the pit lane. I look at the monitors and follow the data, checking everything. Daniel is behind Max, which is a good thing. Max doesn't really has people in front of him. The two Mercedes cars are far away.

The time starts rolling and I feel myself tense up. Max actually does a perfect lap, having a third time right now.

"Good lap, Max. Lap time is 1.36.613, third position now" I tell him. Max doesn't reply, but that might be a good thing. He isn't saying that he can go faster. My heartbeat eases when I see his car pull up in the pitlane. I just quietly watch the monitors.

Q2 ended and Max had a lap time of 1.36.857, a bit worse than Q1, but still good enough. With Q3 starting, the top 10 drivers are Max, Daniel, Nico Rosberg, Lewis, Sebastian, NIco Hulkenberg, Kimi, Carlos, Valtteri and Felipe Massa.

The last few minutes of Q3 start to slowly tick away, as all the drivers go out for their second run. When every driver crosses the finish line, I'm happy with the result.

"Lap time was 1.35.747, which means P4, Max. Well done" I tell him through the radio.

"Thank you, felt great!" Max replies. I'm glad everything went alright, with all that happened yesterday. Daniel is P3. Lewis got pole and Nico Rosberg behind him.


I am very glad the race is over. To say that this wasn't Max's best race is an understatement. The only other race that sucked like this was Monaco.

The start went alright, him just pulling through. But then the first problem happened. Daniel went to box and Max though he had to do the same. But no one boxed him, so the pit crew wasn't ready.

A few laps later, he had a gearbox failure. He retired from the race after 28 laps. Luckily for Max, Kimi retired as well, so the points haven't changed.

Lewis has won the race, Nico came in second and luckily, Daniel came in third. It wasn't a great day for me or Max. I am glad that nothing major happened, though. We can now let go of this Grand Prix and forget about it.

As Daniel had a podium finish, we are going out to celebrate. Much to Max's annoyance, he can't drink alcohol here, as he's 19 and not 21. I can't either, but I don't really mind. Max was disappointed in his race, but he seems alright now.

I'm wearing a black dress and heels, my hair is curled and my make-up is done pretty heavy. I like it, though. It makes me look a bit older than I am. Usually, it's the other way around. And being around drivers all night, makes me want to seem older.

We arrive at the club. We just grab something to drink, everyone except Max and me going for beers. Max and I both take a Fanta. After a few drinks, Victoria, Victoria and Rose pull me onto the dance floor. Together we dance and I am actually having fun. When I look around, I can see Femke dancing rather closely with Sebastian. He has his hands on her lower back and she has her arms around his neck. They actually look really cute together.

Daniel soon walks onto the dance floor and pulls his Victoria with him. Marcel soon follows and takes Rose. I just shake my head and dance with Victoria, Max's sister. I am wondering why Max isn't taking me to dance, but atleast I have someone to dance with. Max isn't really into dancing, although it is to make someone jealous, then he loves it.

Victoria and I are laughing while dancing, having a great time. At some point, Victoria frowns. I turn around and see a girl standing really, really close to Max. He is smiling slightly at her, probably being polite. She leans and whispers something in his ear. I am very glad he can't drink right now, him being now completely sober. The girl seems to be all over him, placing her hands on his arms and leaning into him every so often. I look back around at Victoria.

"Should I go over there?" I ask her. She seems to think about it before shaking her head.

"No, it'll be alright" she says and I nod. Just when I turn around, I freeze in my spot. The girl kisses Max. And he doesn't push her away. He lets her kiss him. And he kisses back.


Victoria (Verstappen)'s P.O.V

Jasmin quickly walks away after she unfreezes. Just then, Max pushes the girl away, his eyes wide. I walk over to them, feeling anger boil inside of me. How can Max kiss the girl back? He loves Jasmin, right?

I push the girl slightly more away from Max. She frowns.

"What are you doing?" she asks me.

"He is my brother and he has a girlfriend, leave" I tell her. She just rolls her eyes, but moves away. I hear Max sigh next to me. Oh, he's going to get it.

I turn to him and he looks at me. I can't hold it, so I just slap him. He frowns.

"What the hell, Vic?" he asks.

"What the hell?! You let that girl kiss you when you have Jasmin, idiot!" I yell at him. His eyes widen and he looks around him.

"She left" I tell him. Max looks at me, confused and scared.

"Where'd she go?" he asks. You shrugg.

"You should let her go. She saw it, she saw everything. You are such an idiot" I say to him. Max curses under his breath before standing up.

"I have to apologize" he says. I roll my eyes. Off course he has too. He quickly makes his way to the exit off the hotel. I don't think Jasmin will want to talk to him. And she is right not to do so. I make my way over to Marcel and Rose. I tap her shoulder and she looks worried, straight away when she sees me alone.

"Something has happened with Jasmin, I'll explain later. Can you come with me?" I ask her and she nods, kissing Marcel goodbye. We make our way to the exit as well and take a cab to the hotel.


Okay, so it's official.

The 2016 season is over. I want to first of all say that I am happy that Nico Rosberg won the Championship. He deserved it.

Max has had a great season and I am very proud. He had another great race today, but also very nerve-recking.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) xxxxxx

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