Chapter 64

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[ NOTE : I'm going to try and do this justice, but I'm not sure it's possible! so please, bare with me here]

The last 2 weeks went by very quickly. After Mexico, Max and I flew back to the Netherlands, to have some time with our family. We stayed with my parents for a few days and stayed with Max's dad a few days.

Much to Max's annoyance, but he never said anything, Victoria stayed with Roy for a couple of days. I completly understand Max. They are not together for a long time and for Victoria to stay there with him, but then I think back at me staying in Monaco with Max. Which is about the same time. Maybe we were 'together' for a while longer, but that was because Max had to travel.

We also hung out with Sebastian and Femke one day, as Sebastian came home with Femke to meet her parents. Max en Seb talked through the whole Mexico situation and they're okay. Which I'm glad about, because I don't want Max losing friends.

But now we're in Brazil and it's Sunday, race day. Max qualified 4th, right behind Kimi Raikkonen en in front of Sebastian. Daniel is behind Sebastian, qualifying 6th.

But now we're all getting ready for the race. It's raining, which makes Max happy, but me even more nervous than I was. Sure, Max likes the rain, but even he can make a mistake and crash.

The cars are on the grid, but we're missing one. Grosjean has crashed his car while driving towards the grid. That got me even more nervous. Race Control decided to start behind the safety car. That is a good thing, because Max's car was standing on 2 white lines, which means he didn't have good grip.

Everyone gets into their car and the last lights go out. The safety car drives away and so does every car.  I am glad when I see that Max is the only one trying to find grip on every part of the circuit. All the other cars are just driving behind Lewis, but Max is trying different lines.

As usual, I'm sitting next to Christian and Femke. I can see Femke frowning, answering Daniel.

"I don't know what he's doing" she answers and looks at me. I just shrugg. I know Daniel is our team mate, but he secured 3rd place in the drivers championship. Max needs every point he can get. I'm not going to give away Max's secret.

After a good few laps, the safety car finally goes in and off they go. Within the first corner, Max overtakes Kimi.

"Great job, Max! P3 is yours right now!" I say through the radio, extremely excited, but still scared. Soon enough, he overtakes Nico from the outside. The fucking outside. No one does that and Max just does it on freaking Rosberg.

"That was awesome, Max! P2!" I yell.

"I can maybe even challange Lewis!" Max replies. I look at the times, seeing Lewis isn't that far away.

"It's possible, but be carefull, please" I tell him, my girlfriend side coming up.

"I will!" Max replies, speeding up where he thinks he can. A couple of laps later and I have a heart attack.

Max's car goes into a 90 degrees angle and I gasp, hard. I can feel Femke's eyes on me. My eyes stay put on the car, which slowly comes back and Max lets go of his brakes, which makes the car go back to normal. I slowly feel my heart beating again as I see that Max even stays in front of Rosberg. I let out a breath that I was holding.

"Well held, Max! Thank you for the heart attack" I say over the radio. I expect a reply saying how everything is fine, but he says something different.

"Yeah, heartbeat went a bit higher there" he replies. I giggle. He almost never admits that he is even close to be scared in the car. But this caused even nerves for him.

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