Chapter 1

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My heartfelt thank you's to those who stumbles to visit this story. This still needs major editing so bear with me if you encounter error and wrong grammar along the way. Will edit this eventually after the completion of this story.

Thank you and hope you enjoy reading this! ❤



"Erick! Man! I'm glad you showed up! It's been a long time!" Nathan shouted as he embraced Erick in a tight hug with a glass of whiskey in his left hand. He just got back from New York after four years of managing their business there so now he's finally back in his London hometown.

They've been best of friends since their primary days in school and even goes to same school in Harvard University in college despite getting different degree. Erick's took the engineering course and he took business administration as he is the only heir and needed to take over their business. After getting their degree they barely see each other as they both been busy with their respective career and both took the masteral degree in different university.

The last time they met was four years ago and now he's back.

"Man! Yeah, it's been a long time. How have you been?" Erick's replied and pat him hard in his back as he return the embrace laughing.

They have to raise their voice to be able to hear each other as they agreed to meet in one of their favorite hangout high end bar in London.

Women were eyeing them with interest just like before when they were in college. They have share fair of women there and then whereever they go. They were partner in crimes and both have craziness though Nathan were more than notorious than Erick in the field of women.

They both sat and order another whiskey ignoring the flirtatious women trying to catch their attention.

"So how's the New York?" Erick smirked and added "... or rather the women in New York?"

Nathan laugh. "Are you asking that for yourself or mine?"

Erick tossed his head laughing. "No. I'm not interested." He said as he became serious.

"And why is that?" I raised my eyebrow at him smirking.

"I'm engaged." He said to me grinning as I stared at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck, man! Are you serious?? You just put yourself in tla lifetime trouble." He exclaimed shooking his head.

"She's worth the trouble if that's what you call it." he replied smiling remembering the innocent blue eyed angel and goddess he had ever laid his eyes on not noticing his smiled lingered for too long in his face with his eyes twinkling.

"Goodness man! You sucked!" Nathan burst out laughing at his bestfriend lovestruck expression. "I can't believe you turned into a lovesick puppy!" He exclaimed at him in disbelief.

"Wait until you meet her, Nathan." Was only Erick's replied as he drank the content of his glass.

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