Chapter 9

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Weeks had passed after the incident and she still didn't receive any call from Nathan regarding the "payment" he's asking for that incident which is odd as she pretty damaged his Ford Escape. Her car was already delivered to her place 2 days ago without any sign of him. Not that she's interested in meeting him again but the fact that she knews that she owes someon made an unsettling feeling to her.

She still remember the last conversation they had while in his car driving her to her place.

"Where to?" he asked and I gave him my place.

"I'll have your car delivered once it's fixed." he simply said not even throwing a glance at me as he drive.

"No need to do that. I can have my car fixed. I'll have it picked up please. Just give me the address where you bring my car." I wave my hand at him while explaining as we pass the highway small tunnel making the surroundings a bit dark so the darkness made my engagement ring sparkled when the dim light hit the diamond stud.

As soon as I finished talking we already passed the tunnel and Nathan stared expressionless in my hand where the engagement ring was put on.

I followed his gaze and found it glued to my ring.

"So I say, you're engaged." he said flatly

I don't know if it's just a feeling but I could hear the disappointment in his voice. before I could comprehend it he spoke again.

"I'm just wondering why you're fiance let you drive on your own knowing that you're getting married and it's not safe for a bride to wander let alone with no one company but herself not to mention that someone like you should be guarded. You know you might be snatch by someone. If I were your fiance I would never let you out of my sight." He stared at me meaningly.

His statement turned my face into crimson all the way to my neck.

What's with this man to make me feel this way? I frown.

"Here we are." He broke my train of thoughts when he pulled just outside my apartment.

I made my way out and as usual he opened the door for me.

"Thank you for dropping me home." I look at him as he stared at me his eyes roaming my entire face and stop at my lips."

I gulped and cleared my throat causing him to jerked up and look at me in the eye as if staring deeply into my soul.

"Yeah. Gotta go." he finally nodded and went off to his waiting car and drove off.

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