Chapter 17

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"Cheers!!!!" the group of young billionaires gathered in a prestigious club exclusive for billionaires only as they celebrate the soon to be married friend of them, Erick.

"Erick, you still have time to back out you know?" Marco one of his friend teased him.

"Marco's right man. Look at those women around you! Aren't you having second thoughts tying the knot knowing well that you can't have a taste of them anymore once you're married??" Archie agreed with Marco with a laugh.

Erick just laugh out loud making all the women turn their heads at their direction with interest.

"Nah, man! I'm perfectly good and happy, those women was all nothing to me and will never be mattered. Yannie's good enough for me and nothing compare's her and no one's will ever change my mind."

"Goddammit, man! You're crazily smitten that makes us totally cringes here." Aleck said plastering a disgusted face at Erick.

"Come on guys! Banter all you want, you know yourselves that you approved of Yannie, aren't you guys? Erick's taunt at them laughing.

"Oh yeah, we all do. Otherwise we'll surely forming a rally here. Well, except for Nathan, who's been very quite over there in the corner not participating our group 'meeting' here" Marco grinned to Nathan who's been very quite listening at their banter while drinking his scotch.

"Common guys, whereever Erick is happy, I'll be sure to support him and Yannie makes him happy. Clearly that's written in his face right now who seems to look like a pathetic smitten puppy." Nathan fire back for the first time.

Erick just laugh at them. You all will feel the same as mine when you get to meet the right girls for all of you guys. Well, Christian do, he have met the love of his life first and you all see how disgusted I was by that time clearly not believing about the word "love" but here I am now. " Erick grinned. Christian is one of their friends who got married 3 years ago just before Erick's met Yannie. He wasn't able to make it to their bachelor party now because his wife is heavily pregnant with their second child.

Their banter went on and so as the time. It is already past midnight when they finally agreed to go home as they have already consumed a bit much alcohol though still in very much condition to drive home safely.

Nathan noticed that Erick consumed alcohol more than they intended so he offer to drive him first since Erick's place is also on his way home.

"That's a good idea, Nathan. Since you two have the same way home, it's best to drive him home. It's not good for a groom driving alone." Marco says.

"It's okay, Nathan. I can drive home safely, okay? No worries guys. You all go home and not worry about me!" Erick said in finality.

"I insist, I'll drive you home Erick. Leave your car here and will have it delivered in your place tom morning." Nathan said with a firm tone.

Erick protest just went to deaf ears as all his friend agreed Nathan to take him home.

It is until they got to Nathan's car that Erick stole the car key from Nathan. Despite the latter protest it only turned into futile as Erick have already placed himself in the driver sit.

"Why you all guys so worried! I can handle myself very well." Erick said stubbornly.

"You know you're drunk Erick. Please let me drive." Nathan refused to hop trying to convince Erick.

"I'll leave you there if you won't hop in Nathan. I swear!" Erick said clearly annoyed as he Starts the engine.


"Erick, you're driving too fast! Damn it!" Nathan shouted as grip the door handle tightly. He knows that Erick is currently in a high spirit and he shouldn't let him drive and stayed firm but here they are chasing after satan.

"Why so afraid my friend? It's like we're not used to this back then. Com'on let's have fun we can't do this anymore once I'm married as I'll be devoting my time with my wife and the company. No more good time." Erick laugh out loud.

"fuck! That's why you need to slow down you're getting marri----" Nathan's wasn't able to finish his sentence as his eyes widen staring straight to a 8 wheeler truck approaching their way.

Before he could utter another words he quickly grab the steering wheel from Erick who was also shock and quickly maneuver but was too late as the truck made it's impact.

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