Chapter 20

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"Yannie, I know that I haven't had the time to say good bye to you..I see that me being gone didn't do well to you and I'm not happy out here.. knowing that you're here still mourning for me. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry, I wasn't able to fulfill our dreams.. your dreams walking down the aisle.. having kids with me and staying together for life..I'm not there anymore to fulfull all of it so I'm asking you to find your happiness..move on.. give yourself a chance to be happy again.. there is someone there waiting for you.. ready to love you.. you just have to open your eyes and open your heart.. you will be happy again.. do it for yourself and for me..I will not be in peace here knowing that you're still mourning for me.. living your pretty life in waste. Please come back to life. Be happy. Good bye, my princess..."

"Erick...!!!" Yannie woke up panting with sweat all over her face. She sat up and rub her face with a shallow breathing.

"Erick..why?" she whispered.

"Live your life, Yannie.. be happy.." Erick's voice echo in her head.

"How can I Erick..? How?" she breathed hard.


A telephone beside her bed rang pulling her out of her thoughts. Lazily she pick it up with a hoarse voice.


"Yannie, I'm glad your awake already. I'll be dropping by in a few minutes. Can I invite you out for breakfast? There's a new open cafe just few blocks away and I heard it quite tastes good. Please be ready. Bye." Nathan turn off the phone without waiting for her response.

"What the hell??" she stared at her phone.

"Just like that?? You didn't even bother to ask if I want to have breakfast with you?" She talk to her phone angrily knowing he wont hear her he put down her phone and went to bathroom.

"Come back to life, my princess. Don't waste your life..I won't be happy here seeing you wasting your life.." Erick's voice echoed again in her head as she showers.

She shakes her head. "Maybe it's about time to start moving again.." she whispered.

She went back to her bedroom after she's  done showering fully clothed when she sees her mother tidying up her bed.

"Sweetie, Nathan is downstairs.. you will go out for breakfast I see. I'm greatly pleased that you are finally getting out to have some fresh air darling." he mom closed the gap and held her in her shoulder smiling.

She was about to say that it was Nathan idea and she didn't want to go out with him but she decided to held  it and nodded as she don't want to disappoint her mom. She looks too ecstatic for her to pull it back.

She could hear the laughter as she descended down the stairs, one from her father and the other is from the constant person who doesn't understand the word 'leave me alone.' much to her annoyance.

Clearing her throat as she made to the living room where the two are playing chess while bickering who will win this time, the two abruptly turned their attention towards her.

"Sweetie! I'm glad you are going out with Nathan here." her dad stood and went to her smiling beckoning her for a hug.

"Dad, it's just breakfast!" She rolled her eyes.

"Besides, why are you both playing chess early in the morning?"

"Oh, you're dad dared me to play chess with me saying he will beat me this time." Nathan said laughing.

No one can beat his father when it come to chess -- no one has ever been not until Nathan much to her father utter disbelief which resulted from his constant demand for Nathan to come often so they could play and for his hope that he could get even and win against him. Turns out they became buddy.


Okay, I know that there were grammatical errors and every thing but I assure you, this wasn't yet edited and I just type everything that comes from my mind with out much thinking about the constructions of sentences, so for those who are reading just kindly point out to me all the errors. Just please bear in mind that this story is NOT YET edited.

Lil_Indee ❤

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