Chapter 28

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She found Nathan and her father conversing at the far corner of the party when she reach the garden where everyone was still bustling with laughters with their wine in hands.

They seems in a serious conversation as her father nodded every now and then with a blank expression. Frowning Yannie decided to approach them but halted her step when her father smiled and patted Nathan's shoulder.

"Dad, Nathan. What are you both doing here in the corner? What are you up to here? She asked with a raised brows.

"Oh sweetie we're just talking about something and besides I have been in the party for too long hours it made me bore, you know I'm not used to this kind of parties."

"Oh dad I know but this is just once every year. It's your special day with mom. Don't be a baby." I teased him.

"Not anymore sweetheart, it will not anymore about us." He said laughing.

"What?" I asked frowning.

"I'll go and joined the others. I'll you two." He said instead and leave.

"What's that for?" I turned to Nathan with raised brows.

"Nothing princess." He said with a wink and led her back to the dance floor.

"Let's dance again before the night's end."

He gently tug her into his body as they sway to the music, his gaze swept her face with a twinkle in his eyes.

She raised her brows once again. "What's up in your sleeve Mr. Adam? What's with the evil glint in your eyes?" Nathan just laughs out loud causing her heart to accelerate tenfold.

God, he looks so carefree and divine when he laughs like that it leaves the strong urge to grab him and kissed him hard. She swallowed hard and averted her eyes to keep herself from making a fool of herself in front of many people the least with the party of her parents. This isn't good she shakes her head.

Turning her head she glares at him. Before he could utter a word someone spoke from behind. "May I have the chance to dance with a beautiful lady before the party ended?" I turned and saw my childhood friend. "Aldrich!" I exclaimed.

Aldrich turned to Nathan. "Man, hope you don't mind if I steal my beautiful friend for a moment." He smiled at him, ignoring the coldness and rigid stance of Nathan.

Yannie looked at Nathan and smiled. Nathan stiffly nodded and handed her to Aldrich before he stormed away with a dark expression.

"Hmmm. What's with the deadly glares I have received from your man, Yannie?" Aldrich teasingly ask.

"W-what?" She asked confused.

"Don't what me. You know who I'm talking."

"Ofcourse not. He's not my man." She said with a blush.

"But you like him don't you?" He stared at her knowingly as she averted her eyes away from him.

"Oh-oh. I've gotcha! He loves you too, you know? He said holding her chin forcing her gently to look at him.

Frowning. "You're jesting me, Aldrich!" She huff. "You and your imagination! Aldrich just laugh and she glares at him thinking he's jesting her once again. He always do that back then when they were still younger.

"If looks could kill I'd be dead now at your very feet." Aldrich chuckled.


"Look at the far side someones throwing me daggers through his eyes." Aldrich said laughing ignoring the glares he was receiving.

Yannie look at the direction where Aldrich is pointing, and man! There he is with a murderous glare pointing at them.

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