Chapter 27

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"You look divine tonight, Yannie." Startled, she halted her step and turn around placing her palm in her chest.

She squinted her eyes trying to see the man standing in the dim lit side of the garden. "Nathan! What are you doing there in the dark?" She said breathless as her heart accelerated in her chest.

"The party had already started almost an hour. Did you just arrived?" She asked again as she glance at the gathering, foot still glued on where she stand.

Nathan step forward as she takes in the man now striding slowly towards her staring at her intensely.

She gulped.

"I've been here the whole time since you step down from your room. I was there watching you descend the stairs.." He's voiced deep as he stared at her. "And you look like a goddess descending down the stairs from, sweetie."

Unable to form any words she just stood rooted at her feet staring up at him.

They stood there gazing each other as the time seems to froze oblivious to their surroundings. Nathan closed the small gap between them and gently yanked her waist towards him making gaps.

"You don't have any idea how much I've long to touch you, to hold you, and kissed you like this." And just like that Nathan claimed her lips with such fervour kiss like a man in desert that had just tasted water.

Yannie gasped and clutched Nathan's arms. His kissed is as hot, demanding, hungry, sensual and inviting. Her hand automatically encircled at Nathan's neck as her knees turns into jelly. She kissed him back as Nathan pull her waist forward to him living no space between them.

Yannie moan when she felt Nathan's hand travel down her spine down into her buttocks as he deepen his kiss. And, man. She wants more. More that she can't explain.

"Nathan..." she moaned.

"Hmmm...Yes, sweetie..what so you want?" Nathan asked her through his kisses.

"I..I..N-Nathan.." she gasped when Nathan pulled her closer as she felt something hard poking her stomach.

"That's what you do to me just a mere sight of you."

Electricity and excitement shoot through Yannie that she felt like she can't control and wants to explode. Her breathing became hollow and deep.

"Nathan...please.." she don't know what she wants or why she's pleading but she wants something she can't explain as Nathan continues to explore her neck biting, nipping down through the valley of her breasts as his hands travels all over her body leaving her hot and panting.

"I want you, Yannie. So much it hurts.. but I have to stop or else we'll end up both naked right here and now." Nathan whispered again as he detached himself to her.

Still dazed she stared at him.


Nathan gazed down at her and touches her cheek. I'm going to do it with you in my bed, Yannie. Not here." He smiled at her lovingly as he kissed her forehead.

"Com'on. Fix yourself. I'm dying to have a dance with you out there."

Yannie narrowed her eyes at him. Just like that? After he tempted her he suddenly stop and casually asked her for a dance as if nothing happened? As if they didn't do anything mindblowing that she almost forgot where they are? That she almost forgot her self preservation? She felt embarrassed and well -- a bit wanting for more. She felt like she was left hanging.

Nathan noticing her expression, cup her face and caress her jaw line.

"Sweetie..Im not gonna say sorry because what had just happened was the most thing I have ever wanted. And I want more than what we've shared here. But now is not the time and not the right place. And God only knows how much I've missed you."

"Com'on before your parents will send a search party for you any moment if we don't come out here. Let's go to out there and grace me with your dance." Nathan said as he gently laid her out of the garden.

Huffing she followed him.

"Go to the powder room first I'll wait for you." Nathan whispered and nudge her forward to the side of the bathroom path.

Closing the door once inside the powder room she huff and stared at herself through the mirror.

"Shit! No wonder Nathan's been so adamant to push her for a retouch. I look like ----- yay!" She muttered to herself. Her hair was a mess, her lips was swollen from their intense make out, her dress is a but crumpled.

"Tsk. This is so embarrassing. How could I easily forgot my sanity every time you're near me, Nathan?" She whispered as she continue to fix herself.

"Am I falling for you? What's this feeling? Oh God. This can't be. I'm done with this feeling. Not him. Not Erick's bestfriend." She shook her head.

Few minutes past before she finally decide to leave the bathroom and headed back to the party unsure of herself.


It's been a while!! Whoah! Been busy with school and work. Shaks. Work load this past few weeks has been driving me crazy with the prelim examinations and all in just one week. Anyways. This chapter is not yet edited and I didn't yet proofread this so please bear with me and be kind of pointing out to me those needed to be edited.

Thanks much!

Happy reading

Lil_Indee 😘

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