Chapter 12

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"Meetings adjourned." Mr. Adamson dismissed us and everyone stand and gather their things.

"Nice one, Ms. David." Mr. Clarkson, our Marketing executive tapped me in my shoulder.

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Sir."

Everyone did the same until it's only me, Jason and Erick's remain inside.

"That was pretty good, pumpkin!" Jason bear hugged me playfully. "As usual, you always surprise me!" He exclaimed laughing oblivious that they still have other companion in the room.

"Urrmmm." someone's cleared his throat and they both jumped and whip their head.

"Mr. Wilson, you may go ahead." He nodded at Jason.

Jason looked at me and I nodded.
When Jason left I turned to Erick and was surprise when I saw him smiling at me.

"So, I've finally met you. You've made quite a name and to say that I'm dying to met you would be understatement.

I blushed by his direct praised. "Not really, sir. but thanks anyway."

"You're good. " he smiled. "Mind if I ask you for a coffee?"


"Com'on. I'm starving anyway." he grab my hand without waiting for my reply.


"So, how long have you been working in E.A. Architect Firm?" Erick asked after we settled and ordered our coffee.

"Uhmm. I started working after I graduated 3 years ago. This actually my first job." I supplied.

"hmmmm." Erick hummed as he stared at me.

I squirm in my seat as he continues to stare at me.

"It's a shame I didn't get the chance to meet you long ago. If only I know that there's a goddess hiding in architect department I should have made myself introduced to you right away." He stared at me once again as I blushed profusely once again as I squirm in my seat.

"I'm sorry If I'm too straight forward I'm just being true to you " he said as if sensing my discomfort.

I don't know why I'm feeling this. Usually i will just brush off every man who will try to hit on me but this one's different. He made my stomach flutter and made my heart flip into quick pace.

"U-uhmm." I cleared my throat unable to form any words.

"Got your tongue tied, princess?" he teased me as a giggle escape my lips.

"Well, coming from a billionaire playboy like yourself I think it's an honor to be grateful and say my heartful thank you to you." I said laughing with a sarcastic hint in my voice.

Erick suddenly burts out laughing as I stared at him surprised. It's quiet a sight staring at him laughing out loud like he doesn't cared in a world. Carefree. I can't help but to admire him and a tug of smile left my lips before I could suppress it and before they knew it they were both burst laughing and staring each other.


Urgggg! I really don't know why I'm experiencing this error in this chapter.  Anyways, hope you still continue reading this. I'll find ways to fix this.

Love lots,


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